The God of Countless Games
He created a True Infinity, an Infinity of Infinities, an existence infinite and limitless in every respect of the terms, as the largest possible platform and collection of platforms, domains, fields, and worlds for the partaking in and contending in all of His countless games, competitions, and contests. At least this is a relatively reasonable and plausible hypothetical. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if existence was created, at least in part, as a platform for games and contests. Conflict is a massive catalyst for progress and advancement in our world. This is probably true for other worlds as well. Worlds themselves serve as places of contest, containing countless fields, battlespaces, domains, and platforms to play games and have contests in. For me, games are an essential and indispensable aspect of reality. They are excellent teaching tools and problem-solving utilities, and can make life more meaningful and purposeful. Games can be enjoyable in and ...