How Thinking Can Change the World
"Thought is not reality, but it is through thought that our realities are created." -Sydney Banks The philosopher should be king, as Plato the philosopher argued, because the philosopher would be the only one who can understand the perfect form of "the good," the ideal goodness in its perfect state. This truth, in Plato's thinking, would possibly lead to the ideal society. In fact, most of human reality has been shaped by thought and thinking. Our governments and societies have been shaped by ideas about how to arrange our hierarchies and what policies we make with our laws. These ideas all came from the minds of people at some point, just like all ideas do. Even our empiricism and processes of inquiry that form the basis of our sciences were engineered by the thinking of philosophers. The scientific method itself was developed and pioneered by Gallileo. Thinking, and thought, is the foundation of all our fields of knowledge to some extent. If you change you...