
The Perfect Nemesis

        In the broad scheme of things, everything gets accounted for, and every imbalance corrected. I believe wholeheartedly that in terms of higher authorities and the divine, there are truly no secrets  from God. He knows all the backroom conversations, all the hidden crimes, all the atrocities, and all violations committed against Him and His law. He sees and hears everything because He is everywhere. No part of His creation escapes His awareness.           Nemesis is a concept that stems from Greek mythology, and it is defined as "the inescapable agent of someone or something's downfall." In the Greek legends, Nemesis was usually summoned by arrogance or conceit that offended the gods and required a punishing or correcting. Nemesis was a deity, a goddess who would bring about divine retribution on those who crossed a line ethically or morally or who had undeserved fortune.  The concept of Nemesis is tied into the id...


Even when I fail, I still love you Even when I do things you don't want me to do, I still love you. Even when I'm angry at you, I still love you Even when I lose all my dreams, I still love you Even when the pain becomes almost too much to bear, I still love you Even when I witness so much hate, so much destruction, so much venom, so much devastation I still love you Even with all my disappointments, all my mistakes, all my lapses in judgement and my lack of self control I still love you I love you no matter what, God I don't blame you for the darkness of my life I don't blame you for my own mess-ups I don't blame you for any of it. I just want to go home to you. I'm sorry for my part to play in the suffering of my life Even with all this difficulty and all this evil I still love you And I will always love you, even as eternity grows unfathomably long

Justice and Enlightenment

     The measure of the ethical and moral advancement of a society is gauged by two primary things; How that society treats its sick and weak, and how that society treats its rule-breakers. An enlightened, morally and ethically sophisticated culture would have an insight and understanding of the causes and progressions of these things beyond most others. That society would treat its sick and weak with dignity and compassion with the intent of healing and strengthening them.      It would see sickness and weakness as correctable and redeemable and wouldn't base the endeavor to do these things solely on profits and power. It would have a moral obligation do to do so, and morality and ethics are the highest virtues of an enlightened, advanced society.      But what really gauges a society's advancement and enlightenment is how it treats its criminals and "sinners." A society with a significant advancement in morals and ethics would have a comple...

World upon World and Culture upon Culture

"That just makes us...innsignificant!" -Random College football player I explained my crazy philosophy to.       Good. That's the point. In the broad scheme of things, that's what we all are. A blip of space and time that occupies an infinitely small place in the great ocean of infinity and eternity. Insignificant might be a fitting word for our world or ourselves, and an overwhelmingly humbling thought to realize how small we really are, but even the smallest things still have value, and still can be loved.        For me, this humbling thought doesn't bring insecurity. I need to be humbled every once in awhile like we all do. The thought of how big existence is...and how small I and the world I'm in me great hope. A hope for limitless, endless exploration of a system so vast and so glorious that I would never lack in fulfillment or purpose, and never run out of things to do.         World upon world and culture upo...

Remember This Ends

     Memento Mori, the meditation on the temporariness of life and the inevitability of death, was a practice encouraged by many philosophers and thinkers throughout history. Commonly attributed to the stoics, the practice, despite its name, was not intended to be morbid or depressing. It was intended to be humbling and give a sense of beauty and value to existence that otherwise would not be appreciated if you weren't aware of how fleeting it is.       "Death is the great leveler," as the old saying goes. It spares no one, rich or poor, powerful or powerless, beautiful or ugly, strong or weak. It can strike anyone and at any time without reason or explanation. This fact puts us all on the same playing field when it comes to the ultimate fate of all life.      The utility of reminding yourself of this comes in the fact that acknowledging that you are of the same fate as all others makes you appreciate your blessings more and empathize wi...

The Fullest Experience

The world's a big place. Even with how massive the rest of existence is, the world we're on right now has enough places, circumstances, knowledge, and potential experiences to last a significant chunk of time if we could "have it all" that would seem like an eternity to any human. Imagine if we could live every human life that has ever lived up to this point, which including the current number of people alive today adds up to around 107 billion people. Now lets say the average lifespan of humans over the course of our entire history was about 50 years, give or take. 107 billion times 50 is 5.35 trillion years. If you could live every human life consecutively, that's the figure it would add up to with a rough estimate of a 50 year average lifespan.  That's 400 times the age of the universe according to our current model, and that's just earth and humanity. That's the fullest experience of just ONE world, and if humanity lasts for thousands more ye...

Acclimating to Eternity

To some, the concept of existing forever intimidates them more than even ceasing to exist does. The thought of unending conscious existence with countless worlds and countless realities to explore and learn about is an overwhelming and intimidating thought.  The full immersion into a relationship with the creator of that eternity can also be quite intimidating to someone not accustomed to that belief system. For me, I look at eternity as something we acclimate to, like going from very warm to very cold weather suddenly...or learning how to swim when you are a child...or any new experience that is uncomfortable at first and takes some getting used to. Overcoming a fear and discomfort to something requires a level of consistent exposure to it to realize it is not something to be afraid of to the extent that we are. Eternity is no different.  We come into this world crying and in shock at the glories, sensations, and wonders of the human condition and it takes time for us to accl...