
Amor Fati

"Love the fate." I've been reading a lot of Stoic philosophy lately, and one of the latin quotes that has stuck out to me recently is "Amor Fati" which translates to "love the fate" or the love of one's fate.        The meaning of this phrase comes down to loving whatever life gives you, both the good and the bad, and deeming suffering as a necessary process that you must go through in order to achieve some unforseen and maybe misunderstood benefit or achievement.       Amor Fati takes the view towards suffering and whatever hand has been dealt you that you should look at suffering as something good, or at least necessary, in order to achieve a greater freedom or greater purpose. Suffering becomes something of a positive, something even of value, when fate is considered and the trajectory towards eternity, infinite liberty, and infinite purpose is considered.  Another term that is pretty synonymous with this concept is the more down to earth ...

The Liberation Game

       So, a lot of my desires for my eternal existence with Jesus often includes exploring an existence teeming with life and having world upon world and culture upon culture, and me and my King and a few angels here and there exploring this existence endlessly.     For me, another component of an eternal exploration is goals to achieve and objectives to complete. Purpose and meaning would be an essential component of my eternal life, and if I were to do something while exploring this existence, I would like a meaningful and purposeful goal to achieve and challenge overcome quite frequently, with some reprieve here and there.        One of those purposes and meanings for me while I explore creation, is to be a liberator. I'd go into oppressed worlds and oppressed cultures, and I'd find creative ways to break the chains of oppression and slavery and set the oppressed free. I'd liberate the people of these worlds and cultures mentally, sp...

The Devil's Finiteness

      As I face an uncertain world riddled with lies, backroom deals, oppression, war, and hate, I have many of the same fears and anxieties as anyone else would. The evil here can be terrorizing and even crippling, and I have already been struck by much of it.          I've been decked hard in my life by cruelty and hate, but I still function and I still breathe and I still walk and talk and think. Apparently that evil doesn't seem to be allowed to terminate me, even with how awful some of the stuff I went through was.      The suffering of humanity can be a lot to take in at times, with wars, plagues, famines and other disasters striking left and right. As I observe much of this, my heart can hurt a lot, and I find myself feeling a righteous anger towards the Devil and his angels that can make me feel quite helpless and frustrated. The man was a murderer and a thief, and that's all he ever will be even to his destruction....

The Eternal State of Meaning

     Meaning is the foundation of knowledge. Meaning is a core element of truth. To start, meaning is what gives concepts and information its "weight." It gives a situation or idea its "depth" and gives symbols and ideas their power over the human mind. Without meaning, information would be empty and only surface level in its depth, like looking at a writing system that you don't understand; it can only go so deep.        Meaning is very abstract and mind based, which makes it hard to quantify in a numerical, measurable way like scaling or gauging it, but it's abstractness is what gives it its eternal nature. It is not bound by entropy, which means meaning doesn't decay or break down or ever cease. Even when words change meaning, the original "meaning" that gave weight didn't change, that word just got a new application for different context.  Imagine meaning as separate from words, and that human language encodes the meaning in a way where...

I am With You

I walk by your side with every step you take I see all that you see  I hear all that you hear I see all that you don't see I hear all that you don't hear I am with you, always In torment I will strengthen you In joy I rejoice with you In failure I teach you In success I reward you In loss I comfort you In gain I grace you In war I give you courage In peace I give you rest In the crowd I protect you When alone I am your companion When you are oppressed, I give you your mind's freedom I take tally on who oppresses you I mark who violates you I forgive you when you sin I humble you when you exalt yourself I exalt you when you humble yourself I will break those curses that bind you Undo the power of the labels that follow you I will break all chains and open any door to glory and fulfillment that you want I will give you opportunities I will give you purpose and meaning As a God of liberty, I will give you perfect, limitless freedom I will give you world upon world And culture ...

Infinitist Christianity

   One of the core, essential components of my faith is the awareness of the infiniteness of God. His truly limitless, boundless, all-encompassing power and supremacy. This is something I fix my thoughts towards on a regular basis. My Jesus is a VERY big Jesus.  The trinitarian God rules not just earth and heaven, but from my faith and trust I believe He rules a truly infinite system, boundless, endless, with countless worlds, countless universes, countless forms, and countless ideas. Like a Georg Cantor set, existence is a set of information that is infinitely complex, with infinite quantity, infinite degrees of value and intensity, and infinitely expansive. Within this system you can have finite, temporary realities, like the one we live in. Of course, the infinity of the Creator is far greater than the infinity of the creation. It would have to be. The creator would create such an infinite system as the greatest demonstration of His creative power.  This makes God...

My Three Heavens

In my relationship with God, I often meditate on what heaven would be like for me. I have desires and dreams for eternity just like any other believer. The liberation from this world is always not far from my thoughts. For me, I've expressed to the Lord three desires for heaven that I've meditated on and thought a lot about. 1. Being in the Father's house:     I have this dream, this desire, to have kind of a return to childhood and a return to innocence, where I dwell in God's palace and I have my own room to myself. God becomes a true father figure, taking care of me and mentoring me, and He's physically present. I have this desire because I never had a father permanently present in the household I grew up in. I've always wanted a more present and available father, and I would like God to fill that role in eternity. 2.  Exploring God's endless creation: The second dream of Heaven would be to explore His endless, limitless creation. Exploring world upon wor...