Sheep, Sheepdogs, Wolves, and Shepherds

"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep." =John 10:11 I recently had my memory refreshed of a clip from the movie "American Sniper" where the father of Chris Kyle is giving a lecture to his two young sons after a schoolyard brawl on the arrangement of the human social condition. He split humanity into three categories; Sheep, Sheepdogs, and Wolves. Sheep are pretty self-explanatory. They are the people who ebb and flow with the seasons and waves of society. They are completely dependent on the system and rely on stronger and better equipped people for their protection and survival. Out of an ignorance, an ineptitude, or just a general contentment they don't equip themselves to defend themselves and are easily incentivized by fear. They are the weak and meek, both those who willingly pacify and disarm themselves and those who by handicap and disability are left...