2021 New Years Resolution
So last year, about this time, I wrote "new decade's resolution" talking about how I was going to maximize to the greatest possible extent conceivable to the human imagination the degree of liberty I can have in life over the course of the next decade. This year, as 2020 draws to a close, a year that was much better for me then it was for 96.731% of humanity, I am going to revise my resolution a little bit. Here is the 10 things I am going to try to achieve in the next year (and in the rest of my life). 1. I am going to try to maximize to the greatest possible extent conceivable to the human imagination the amount of love and loyalty I have for Jesus Christ, the Creator of all things, and I am going to do my best over the course of the next year to try and say and do things that bring glory to God. 2. Try to be of service to other people. Try my best to make the lives of the people of my community, my friends and family as pleasant and as respectful as they can be....