The Unpredictability of the Creator
I've noticed from my study of scripture and from my own relationship with God that God does almost everything He does for two primary things; love and glory. Love is often the aspect of God's nature that believers focus on the most, and it is demonstrated to the greatest extent by the sacrifice of Jesus to pay for the sins of humanity. Glory is not disregarded by any means in an evaluation of God's nature. Not by a long shot. A prime example of glory is the Resurrection of Christ and His conquest of death, one of the most important demonstration of God's glory in the history of his creation. Now I believe God created an existence that is truly infinite. A reality more complex and wondrous then anything most human beings can imagine. Of course, in order to do such a thing, He Himself has to be infinite in every respect. In his infiniteness, I believe he created existence as a platform for his glory to be demonstrated and actualized t...