Language, Labeling, and the Understanding of Systems
Labeling is a core component of understanding complex systems. Labeling provides the necessary conceptual and linguistic foundation in order for understanding and comprehension of that system to be developed in a human mind. We think in words and language, so labeling is a necessary and essential component of understanding. A label is an assignment of a word or sometimes a number or code to an object, situation, circumstance, game, idea, or, for the context of this post, a system that we can then construct and develop an understanding of the these things. Systems are labeled in two ways. The label of the big picture "system as a whole," and the labels of the parts of the system. The more you can label the parts of a system, define the properties of those parts, describe and define the interactions and relationships, these parts have with other parts or their environments, describe the functions of parts of the system, and describ...