Comprehending Infinity and Infinite sets of non-numerical information
Infinity is a hard subject to grasp for humans. We, as finite creatures with a finite neurological capacity, are greatly challenged by the infinite. Our confinement to a "moment-to-moment/point-to-point" progression through time and space, as well as our limited memory and processing capabilities based on finite time makes comprehending infinite numerical sets quite difficult for most people. Even so, we can still categorize and encode information into sets to help simplify complex information and concepts and make the complexity more accessible to our minds. Also, we can describe the complex information linguistically to supplement the mathematical descriptions and proofs we use. In doing so, we can make concepts like infinity and eternity more relatable, understandable, and graspable to the average person. I would like to describe a different hypothesis. I would like to present the possibility of an infinite set of non-numerical information. (non-number ...