
The Primary Relationship of Information

In all of Reality and its vastness and complexity, there is one primary relationship that is quite simple, yet forms one of the core paradigms within reality. It is the relationship between the projection of information and the reception of information. The relationship between consciousness and the unconscious information that it intakes, processes, analyzes, utilizes, and alters. The existence of both parties is interdependent on the other's existence. If one does not exist, then for all intents and purposes neither does the other. If the receiver of information is not present, then nothing would be aware of what is projected from the physical reality that exists separately from it, and since nothing is aware of it, it doesn't exist de facto, i.e. it doesn't exist to any consciousness involved. If the receiver exists but the projector doesn't, then the consciousness that was supposed to be receiving information would have no information to receive, and as a result wo...

Social Programs, Parasitic Economic Relationships,and the Scope of Government

            In the American society, like many major societies in the world, there is an arrangement made between the Government and the people where social programs and initiatives are developed to aid the poor, increase quality of life, and aid in fostering public health, recreation, and productivity. The great debate in society is how this arrangement is made and carried out. People on the left argue that the best way to have an economy that is fair and allows for the accumulation and development of wealth for the majority of people instead of a small minority of economic elites is through the taxation of the wealthy and large conglomerates, corporate entities, and private firms and redistributing the taxed revenue to social programs like medicaid and social security as well as infrastructure programs. This kind of arrangement by default requires an expansive and far reaching government. It is a good idea to an extent. In the past such policies have led ...

Why Do We Fight?

It is an inescapable fact of being human that we have conflict. We fight over a great many things. Conflict is something that resounds not only in the household bickering many of us have experienced, but it resounds in the very fabric of our nature, our history, and our societies. We see fighting in sports, in homes, in our streets, and in our schools. Whether it is siblings squabbling over what toy they get to play with, or an all out invasion of another country by our armed forces, fighting is part of life. The question remains; why do we fight? There are many answers, and many complicated ones at that, but I am a believer that the root cause of conflict is lack. Lack as in an absence or void of something wanted or needed by someone or some group. Here is why. When you lack something, there is a strong urge to go fill this absence that is present in your life. For example, lets say you wanted to play with a toy as a kid, but your brother or sister wouldn't let you. This lack ...

Infinite Complexity vs. Limited Complexity

What comes to mind when you try to picture something infinitely complex? It is a concept that is difficult to fathom because it is, well, complex! To understand infinite complexity, you must first get a grasp of limited complexity. Every system, object, situation, circumstance, and idea we observe in this universe has limited complexity. This is because all of these things are finite. An object occupies a finite space. A system can only have so many functions, purposes, and factors. A situation can only have so many facets and factors, and so on. However, just because almost all observable systems are finite does not inhibit the fact that many of the things I have listed can be incredibly complex. These things can have hundreds of thousands, if not millions or billions, of functions, factors, purposes, qualities, interactions, and relationships all within their respective fields. Now an infinitely complex system is one where these qualities, factors, relationships, and interaction...

The Dichotomy of Choice

The Dichotomy of Choice In the United States government, the two party system is the preeminent system of political discourse and action in american government and politics. In other nations there may be more than two parties. However, I have come to the understanding that there is an essence a two party system in every major democracy in the world. The reason I believe this to be the case is because of the dichotomy of choice, in that there are often only two choices presented on every major issue facing a legislative governing body: yes or no, for or against, yea or nay. You may abstain from voting, but their is no maybe vote. It either passes or it does not. Also, the two sided political spectrum classifies every major party that exists on this 2 dimensional spectrum as either to the left of center or to the right of center. Because of the Dichotomy of choice, where there are only two valid options to choose from on every major issue when it comes to a vote, there will always ...

Perfect Freedom and the Nature of Choice

Freedom’s potency as an idea and concept of how we live our lives and what we strive for both individually and societally is unrivaled. We fight over and for this concept in our politics and even have engaged in warfare over this concept. Freedom, by definition, is the ability to make choices without compulsion or force. As an individual it is the ability to direct yourself down the path by which you desire to go down in life and not be forced into something you don’t wish to be a part of. As a nation, it is the ability to govern oneself without the forceful influence of other powers. I want to talk about a metaphysical concept of freedom. This idea entails the perfect manifestation of the state of being free, rightly entitled perfect freedom. Simply put, it is freedom of choice with unlimited options, all of which are benevolent options. In a sense, you could do no wrong, but you could do everything right. Now reality, by its sheer finite nature, has only a ...


Solace Like a comforter after a nightmare Like a tender reassurance Like a portal to a quiet land I wish for a gift of solace Solace, in its purest form the solace of God's grace like a river flowing through a silent prairie I want solace in this place A musical voice that tells me  that everything will be alright like the voice of a mother to her child in the terrors of the night I wish I had some comfort in times of great doubt I wish I had the courage to cast my worries out The truth is, I worry too much I panic and I tremble too much I get angry and I lash out too much  I hold on to grudges and hate too much I cry and I yell and I curse too much How Can I beat myself up so much? Why do I abet my suffering this much? Though these things may be true, To the source of my solace, I call out to you I call upon you to set my mind at ease To set my worries into the breeze, and let me watch them blow away, as t...