The Eternal Children
The Eternal Children In a realm separate and distant from ours, there lived a group of beings who were everlasting. They had always existed from the beginningless to the endless. They were wise beyond the minds of men, with gifts of creativity and powers that stretched the limits of their realm. There were two kinds of these beings, the eternal elders, and the eternal children. The elders were always blessed with the joy of their children, whom they have instructed and nurtured for all time. The children learned and played and laughed and had adventures, and in this realm, they did grow, but they never grew up. The parents, in their infinite and endless wisdom had the ability to continuously instruct and guide them forever. The joy the children brought to their parents was so beautiful and powerful that the parents were never in lack. It was an overwhelming joy, knowing that they would be blessed with their presence forever. The joy was not static, it was exponentia...