The Sword and Shield of God's Countless Words


The Lord is my sword

This Sword's edge is infinitely sharp

This Sword's tip is infinitely small

This Sword can penetrate anything it strikes

This Sword can cut through anything it is put to

This Sword can destroy anything it is used against

There is no oppression this Sword cannot Liberate

There is no slavery this Sword cannot emancipate

There is no tyranny this Sword cannot annihilate

This Sword is constituted by the countless infinities of the core of God's very being

This Sword is constituted by the countless bottomless oceans of God's infinite mind

This sword is constituted by God's countless words of power and beauty, with which He uses to strike down nations, liberate countless worlds, and seed the voids and darkness of existence with countless infinities.

The sword is the preeminent instrument in the liberation of the hearts and minds of all conscious beings from the shackles of deception, delusion, and ignorance.

The Lord is my Shield

This Shield is infinitely solid.

This Shield is impenetrable.

This Shield is indestructible.

This shield can defend against any enemy and any attack.

This shield can protect me from any calamity or cataclysm.

This Shield is constituted by the countless bottomless oceans of God's infinite Heart.

This shield is constituted by the countless forms of Love, the countless forms of Grace, the countless forms of Mercy, and the countless forms of Compassion of God's heart.

This Shield is constituted by God's countless words. When the shield is spoken around someone or something, there is no enemy or force in existence that can undermine their protective power.

It is the eternal security of God's Love and Grace.

It is the preserver and guardian of all infinity and the caretaker and nurturer of those liberated by the Sword.

It is the Sword's eternal twin. They are the ultimate divine weapon system. The manifestation of God's countless words in the form and shape of a sword and shield.  


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