The Supremacy of Mercy

 "Mercy triumphs over Judgement"

    -The Book of James

In regards to the divine, "higher order" elements of reality, mercy isn't an instrument of God's justice, justice is an instrument of God's mercy.

All things over the endless time of Gods Infinite and Eternal Kingdom will in the end serve the interests of God's mercy.

All things will bow and submit to God's Love because God's nature is manifested the most through Love, by Love, and for Love. 

Everything is justified through Love, by Love, and for love, given their meaning and purpose through Love, by Love, and for Love. 

All things were made by God so that He could have someone and something other than Himself for Him to Love and experience Him. In a sense, existence serves as a mirror through which something distinct from God can reflect the divinity of God back to the source of all things so His divinity can permeate and animate something infinitely complex and infinitely diverse. 

 Over time, His Creation will become infinitely beautiful and infinitely glorious in its finality and ultimate purpose.

In a sense God created existence so that He could love it to a limitless degree and that it could love Him back to the highest degree any of its worlds, realities, and conscious beings are capable of.

He allows evil to exist not just for the ultimate fulfillment of His glory but so that through its existence the greatest kind of glory in all of existence can have an opportunity to be revealed, like the undraping of the most beautiful thing in existence as if it were concealed by the ugliest and darkest of curtains. 

This beautiful treasure under the blackest of cloaks is mercy. 

Mercy would have never had the opportunity to exist if evil didn't enable it to be demonstrated and manifested. 

There is nothing more glorious than the redemption and correction of wicked and sinful people because this is so much harder to do than judgement and condemnation, which is why mercy is greater than those things and triumphs over those things. 

You can only redeem broken, fallen people if you extend them mercy. Healing never happens in condemnation, but only can happen through mercy, by mercy, and for mercy.

Through Love, by Love, and for Love, all things are subject to the mercy and grace of God.

Even all judgement, all wrath, and all condemnation--both Humanity's and God's--are subject to the authority and supremacy of His mercy. 

All of these were made to be instruments in the manifestation, sharing of, and demonstration of His Love, His grace, and His mercy. 

Mercy and grace themselves, at their core, are just the two main emanations of God's infinite and eternal Love. 

Through grace, God gives all things and creates all things.

Through mercy God sustains and redeems  all things.

Through Love, by Love, and for Love God is sovereign over all things.

Through these, He rules and upholds an existence infinitely and unimaginably glorious. 

Through His contest with evil and darkness the extension of mercy is made possible to the corrupt and the wicked. 

With this arrangement, the greatest glory that is known to our minds is enabled through the redemption and correction of sinners and sinful worlds.

They are cleaned up by the gentle healing purity of God's living water and returned to the embrace of His loving arms completely restored to glory and righteousness. 

 This process gives them redemption stories fitting for the greatest and most wholesome of books, movies, and songs.


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