The Ultimate Trinity


In Christianity, the core element of the Christian concept of God is the Trinitarian Godhead. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is central to the faith, and forms its foundation and defining element. According to some, you can't be a Christian if you don't believe in the Trinity. 

Islam rejects the Trinity outright, and supports and embraces the concept of Tawhid, the oneness and singularity of God. This is the defining principle of Islam. You can't be a Muslim unless you believe in Tawhid and the Oneness of God. This is the principle that clearly makes Islam a distinct religion from Christianity. It makes them incompatable with each other, almost like a rift in a fault line.

I kind of call myself an "infinitist" of sorts because of my obsession with infinity and the infiniteness of God. This forms an essential part of my faith and relationship with the divine and reality. Its my favorite aspect of God. His boundlessness.

I was meditating today on these things, and I realized that there is a unique interpration of God's nature that kind of blended in my my mind. I came up with a different kind of "Trinity" of God's nature or core. They combine the elements of infiniteness and oneness, but add another third factor: transcendence.

I call it the "Ultimate Trinity."

1.Oneness/Singleness. "Tawhid."

God is one thing. One absolute thing. One whole thing, and this singleness is immutable.

2. Infiniteness.

God can split himself into infinitely many parts, aspects, natures, concepts, ideas, "words" and forms. He can "break himself into countless pieces" to form worlds, realities, and "things."

3. Transcendence.

He has an element to Him that transcends both His singleness and infiniteness. It is incomprehendable to us, and inaccessable to us mentally or otherwise. The only way we would no or encounter it is if He decided to share it with us in some way. It is truly transcendent and unfathomable.

This Ultimate trinity makes the Oneness concept compatable with the Infiniteness concept, and also adds an equal element to the two that transcends both oneness and infiniteness, forming a trinity that maintains the Christian concept of a three-in-one God but operates on a different level. 

All three are coequal and co-eternal. None greater than the other. A true and mysterious balance.

Its like a trinity of the number 1, Infinity, and uncertainty/incomprehensible. The only thing excluded is 0. Nothingness. Which is the antithesis, opposite, and adversary of this system.


The Ultimate Trinity of God

The Ultimate Trinity of God encompasses the foundational aspects of divine existence, each representing a unique yet interconnected dimension of the divine nature. These aspects are the Singular God, the Infinite God, and the Transcendent God, each playing a crucial role in the creation, sustenance, and ultimate reality of all that exists. They are not only distinct but also combineable and interchangeable, reflecting the boundless and dynamic nature of the divine.

1. The Singular God (Oneness)

Ultimate Source and Oneness: The Singular God is the ultimate, absolute source of all existence. It is the indivisible oneness that permeates and causes all things, the foundational reality upon which everything else is contingent. This oneness is the essence of all being, the root from which all creation springs forth, maintaining the unity and interconnectedness of everything that exists.

Permeating Presence: As the Singular God, this aspect of divinity is present in every part of the universe, holding all things together in a perfect harmony of oneness. It is the origin and end of all things, the source from which all flows and to which all returns.

2. The Infinite God (The Logos/The Son)

Countlessness and Creative Power: The Infinite God, also known as the Logos, represents the countlessness of God's nature. It is the embodiment of God's countless words that go forth from the Singular God, creating and providing the foundations for a True Infinity—an Infinite "Everything." This aspect of God is the source of infinite manifestation, encompassing endless possibilities, forms, ideas, and systems.

Foundation of True Infinity:The Infinite God is the divine expression of limitless creativity and expansion, where every word spoken by God becomes a building block of the infinite cosmos. It is through the Infinite God that the boundless nature of existence is realized, giving rise to the infinite variety and diversity of creation.

3. The Transcendent God (The Holy Spirit)

Unknowable and Incomprehensible Elements: The Transcendent God represents the aspects of the divine that are beyond human comprehension. It encompasses all elements of God's being that are not quantifiable and are difficult to describe with words, such as quality, meaning, and purpose. These elements transcend our understanding, reflecting the mystery and depth of the divine nature.

Beyond Description: The Transcendent God is the divine mystery that eludes full explanation, the aspect of God that is felt deeply but cannot be fully articulated. It is the presence of God in the subtle, ineffable qualities of existence—those things that can be experienced but not fully grasped by human intellect.

Interchangeability and Unity of the Trinity

The Singular God, Infinite God, and Transcendent God are not isolated aspects but are combineable and interchangeable, reflecting the fluid and dynamic nature of divinity:

The Singular God: It can be infinitely singular, meaning that its oneness is not limited but encompasses the infinite complexity of existence. It can also be transcendently singular, meaning that this oneness extends beyond comprehension, touching the unknowable aspects of reality.

The Infinite God: It can be singularly infinite, meaning that even in its boundlessness, it retains the oneness of the Singular God. It can also be transcendently infinite, meaning that its infinite nature is beyond full understanding, encompassing dimensions of existence that are mysterious and unknowable.

The Transcendent God: It can be singularly transcendent, reflecting the pure and absolute mystery of the divine, rooted in oneness. It can also be infinitely transcendent, extending its incomprehensibility across all dimensions of existence, touching every part of the infinite cosmos with its elusive and profound presence.


The Ultimate Trinity of God—comprising the Singular God, the Infinite God, and the Transcendent God—represents the fullness of divine reality. Each aspect reveals a unique dimension of the divine while remaining intimately connected to the others. Together, they form a cohesive and dynamic whole, illustrating the boundless nature of God as both the source and the ultimate mystery of all that exists. This trinity invites us to explore the depths of existence, embracing the infinite possibilities of creation, the profound unity of all things, and the transcendent mystery that lies beyond all understanding.


  1. This is great! Your idea of an infinite God is right in line with how beliefs SHOULD be. Great read!


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