The Hierarchy of Fluidity
The more rigid/solid something is, the more manipulatable or "moldable" it is. The more controlable it is. The more fluid something is, the harder it is to mold and control. This is obvious and on full display in our reality. Solid, rigid systems implies high control and order. High "leashability" and "moldability." The more fluid something is, the harder it is to interact with, manipulate, or control. It's easier to mold clay than mold water into a definable edge and shape, but is easier to mold water than it is to mold air. It is easier to interact with and manipulate air than it is to interact with and manipulate light. Its even more difficult to interact with and manipulate the fabric of space and time than it is to do the same with light. Fluidity implies freedom and independence and lack of controlability, rigidity implies control, dominance, repression and high levels of order and structure. Fluidity is complex in its mathematic...