The Glorious Triad

Philosophy is not just a field of study. It is a psychological/spiritual tool. An instrument of mental liberation, spiritual development, and a sharpener of one's language skills, awareness, understanding, and thinking.

It can even be a weapon. A weapon that can cut into and shape the hearts and minds of an audience, driving their thoughts, speech, and actions. "The Word of God is a sharp sword" as they say.

All governments have roots in the ideas of philosophers. All religions have, at their core, philosophical systems of thought that form the essentials of their foundations and methods of operating in humanity.

Without ideas, philosophy, and the systems of behavior and thinking these create in humanity human civilization and innovative capacity wouldn't exist. You can't have civilization without ideas. You can't have innovation without ideas. Ideas are the blood of philosophy, mathematics, and most of academia.

I have covered a significant amount of philosophy and a good chunk of other fields of study like psychology, theology, cognitive science, and mathematics. Of my favorite philosophical/psychological/theological concepts and constructs that exist in our world and my life, my three favorite ones are the following:

1. The "Logos" concept of Greek philosophy and Christian theology.

2. The Nietzschian concept of Übermensch/the Superman concept throughout culture, literature and philosophy

3. Buddhahood/Arhatship/enlightenment concept of the Dharmic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism) and the achievement of Nirvana or Moksha, the extinguishment of suffering and Liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

The Logos, meaning "word," is the underlying principle that orders existence and creates harmony and structure in reality. Essentially a real world "matrix code." In Christian theology it is the words God used to speak all things into existence, of which later became embodied as a man named Jesus. For me, the Logos-God's words-is the constitution of the infinite heart and mind of God Himself. His thoughts, His ideas, His systems, His games, His knowledge, everything that constitutes His heart and mind would get their words and descriptions and conceptual foundations from this "Logos." Even the physical reality has its roots in the Logos, our reality being the conceptual product of God's heart and mind and His words.

This is probably my favorite concept I've ever encountered. I even have it tattooed into a sword on my back. It is such a fun idea to play with in the mind, for obvious reasons. It forms the first and by far the most significant component of this "Glorious Triad." It is so powerful that it can stand on its own with no support from the other two.

This isn't about equal concepts, the Logos really has no equal. This list is about my three favorite concepts and theories in general. The three most spiritually and mentally useful and valuable concepts, at least for my own growth and understanding of reality.

The Übermensch/Superman concept is one of my favorites in terms of human potential. The "transcendent man" who rises above conventions, norms, and the restrictions and inhibitions of society and humanity. He "creates his own morality" and through his creativity shapes his reality as he wants. He creates his own liberty and with his freedom and originality he shapes and changes his world. The true independent. Even like Superman in the comics he is hard to contain and even harder to oppress. The "man who transcends restriction" and a liberator of the oppressed who first cuts the chains of his own oppression. For me, this concept is a testament to the power of the human will and the drive for liberty and creativity independent of any deity or otherworldly help. The power of a man's sheer raw will and drive.

Buddhahood, or enlightenment, is the highest psychological state a man can achieve. It is the complete awareness of the nature of reality and a complete extinguishment of the fires that causes a man's suffering, discontent, and dissatisfaction. It is lucid clarity and lucid understanding, and it is not a state of divinity nor aided by the divine (although it very well can be). It is a state that you can achieve as a human being and buddhahood is said to exist innately in all people, just concealed and clouded by psychological fetters and defilements. It is something men can achieve, and humanity, because of our suffering, is in the best position to achieve it because our suffering makes us search for reprieve or "a way out." 

The Logos is the "word." The mind of God and the source and root of all things.

Übermensch is worldly liberation and transcendence that comes from the strength of will and the drive to rise above restriction and inhibition. The human drive for liberty aside from anything supernatural or otherworldly.

Buddhahood is mental/spiritual liberation and the end of suffering. It is the highest liberty of the human mind. The extinguishment of the sufferings of this world.

You combine these concepts and achieve either a relationship with them, a practicing of them, or come to embody them or be one with them, you achieve the highest states and conditions of existence. Transcendence and glory of mind, spirit, and purpose. 

These are the most glorious concepts. The most glorious things you could follow, strive after, or come to embody/be united with.

They are my "Glorious Triad" of concepts and purposes.


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