The Logos and Infinity


The Logos is the underlying principle of reality, and as a result it is the underlying principle of Infinity. It is the force or principle that orders all things, gives meaning and purpose to all things, gives a label, identifier, and description to the parts, functions, and wholenesses and completenesses of all things as well as providing the words to do so. 

In fact, the word "Logos" was originally the Greek word for "word" and it carries the connotation of reason, rationality, mental soundness, clarity, and the description of all elements and aspects of reality.

 The Logos serves as essentially a real world "Matrix code" that encodes all of existence into existence in the same way the movie "The Matrix" depicted a computer code doing the same thing to an artificial reality. Both abstract and physical, both divine and worldly, both wholesome and unwholesome, both good and evil, all of everything is encoded into existence by the Logos. This "real-world" matrix code would be so small it would be at...and past...the foundation level smallness of the physical reality. You would never be able to detect it under any microscope at least, but its effects are felt everywhere.

All things that exist in reality or in all minds and imaginations are given their foundation and encoded into reality by the Logos. They are given their "word" or label by the Logos. If it exists in both the minds of God and people or exists in a physical, tangible way, it it is named, labeled, identified and even gets its existential foundation and justification by the Logos. They exist because of the Logos, through the Logos, and sustained by the Logos, and will continue to do so forever. 

The Logos can also be considered to be the "Ultimate Language." The "Language above all Languages." The "Language of God and His angels." A Language of pure, raw "meaning" that is un-utterable by human tongues and this language is what gives all human language and their words their "meaning" or "spirit." This language is the essence of ALL words in every language. Essentially the true language of all things, and that is what the Logos is. 

The Logos, in essence and function, is the words God used when He spoke everything into existence.

In Christianity, the Logos IS Jesus Christ. Jesus is the physical, human manifestation of the Logos on this world.

 Jesus is the embodiment of the "matrix code" that underlies and forms the foundation of all of existence and its contents. 

He is the manifestation of God's personal language, that Ultimate Language, in a form that He could better and more easily communicate and teach humanity God's truths and knowledge through. 

Without this human body, He wouldn't have been able to engage with us.

Even the term "Law/Legal" comes from "Logos." This makes Jesus also the human manifestation of God's Law. The Logos "code/language" serves as the Law of all things as well, governing existence and creating order, harmony, and truth in all the countless worlds, realms, and boundless complexities of God's Infinite Creation.

Jesus WAS that Law, is that Law, and will always be that Law.

Jesus WAS the Logos, is the Logos, and will always be the Logos.

If God's Creation is infinite and boundless, then the Logos has labeled, identified, given a word to, ordered, harmonized, laid down the Law for, structured, given meaning and purpose to, justified, provided the foundation for, and sustains all of that Infinity and its contents and residents.


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