
Showing posts from May, 2024

The Purging of Chaos

  Throughout the whole of the Infinite and Eternal Creation that God engineered and that we all exist within, the only thing that is absolutely unredeemable and truly expelled from God's mercy, is chaos. Disorder, discord, void, nothingness, whatever name it goes by, chaos runs completely antithetical to God's purposes, plans, and love for His creation.  Chaos is the great destroyer and ruiner. It is the ruin of reality and the breakdown of the wholeness and goodness in Infinity. It is the greatest of all abominations, a cause of disgust to whatever and whoever is holy and good in existence. Order is essential for systems in Creation to work effectively and harmoniously.  Luckily, orders and harmonies can get really complex and dynamic, allowing for immense freedom and "wiggle room." You can have immensely complex systems, games, and behavior that appears to be chaotic but still have harmony and order. The harmony and order is just extremely complex and dynamic. That

The Logos and Infinity

  The Logos is the underlying principle of reality, and as a result it is the underlying principle of Infinity. It is the force or principle that orders all things, gives meaning and purpose to all things, gives a label, identifier, and description to the parts, functions, and wholenesses and completenesses of all things as well as providing the words to do so.  In fact, the word "Logos" was originally the Greek word for "word" and it carries the connotation of reason, rationality, mental soundness, clarity, and the description of all elements and aspects of reality.  The Logos serves as essentially a real world "Matrix code" that encodes all of existence into existence in the same way the movie "The Matrix" depicted a computer code doing the same thing to an artificial reality. Both abstract and physical, both divine and worldly, both wholesome and unwholesome, both good and evil, all of everything is encoded into existence by the Logos. This &q

The Highest Good

The Highest Good is an important and essential concept for someone who pursues an enlightened, liberated, and purposeful life. It is defined in many ways by many thinkers throughout history.  Aristotle defined the Highest Good as "eudaimonia" or flourishing/happiness.  The Stoics believed it was "living in accordance with the laws and rules of nature." Plato described it as the pinnacle of his theory of forms called "the Form of the Good" which was the perfect mental conceptualization of goodness in its ideal perfect sense. Something he believed all Kings and leaders should be able to understand and have an idea of in order to be effective and legitimate rulers. The Buddhists believe Nirvana, the extinguishment of suffering, is the highest good, which should be the goal of all sentient beings.  For me, personally, my "Highest Good," the pinnacle of goodness, rightness, and wholesomeness that I set above all others comes down to 3 primary paradigm