
Showing posts from October, 2023

The Great Emancipation Part II

There will be a Great Emancipation.  A great Chainbreaking.  Where the voids and darknesses of existence and the voids and darknesses of our hearts and minds are purged away by the brightest of light and truth.  It will be such a total and thorough emancipation that deception will be completely eradicated and rendered completely impossible, and as will all things that come from deception.  Truth will be an absolute, and justice a finality.  This liberty will be of such a freedom that bondage and oppression will no longer be possible or conceivable.  The Infinite God will establish a permanent and undying liberty.  An infinite liberty. This emancipation will be irreversible and incorruptible.  A permanent chain breaking for all conscious beings, and the voids within our minds and worlds and universes will be completely filled and conquered.  Evil is annihilated, and deception and nothingness become the only unreal things.  This Great Eman...

The Great Emancipation

  The great emancipation is coming. The liberation of the oppressed of all nations Their chains will be shattered, and the world restored to a state of grace and glory. Fear will be gone. So will hate Deception will be eradicated Sin will be conquered And evil purged out of existence The dominion of the King of countless worlds. The King of Love The King of Liberty The King of Glory The King of Infinity He will establish His sovereign reign On this world And on all worlds He will emancipate the enslaved Liberate the oppressed Conquer the wicked Annihilate evil Eradicate darkness With the light of infinite love and glory Oppression will no longer be possible. The great restorer of lost and dying worlds Will repair and correct our world back to wholeness and goodness He will reign eternally as the King of our world The King of countless worlds The King of Infinity 

The Floods

We will flood this world With living water Water from the bottomless oceans Of grace, mercy, and glory Of the bottomless oceans of love This water will extinguish the fires Of suffering in this world And wash away sin, fear, and hate It will wipe away the fruits of evil It will cleanse the world of depravity and disgust We will flood the voids of existence With Living Light A light that purges out darkness The darkness that causes evil. The darkness that enables lies Deception will be eradicated Fear Will be rendered impotent Hate will be destroyed All the darknesses that cause despair and misery in our world will be burned away. And the voids within our minds filled by the brightest of light, the brightest ideas, the most glorious of truths, and endless knowledge. The darkness within ourselves is purged away Leaving nothing but light and truth All of existence is flooded to the brim with living light


I will swim in the bottomless oceans of God's infinite heart and mind. I will explore and comprehend all the countless, boundless infinities that constitute the core of His very being and person. I will swim in the countless oceans of His heart and mind and study all the Infinite amount of forms, concepts, ideas, and theories that exist in these vast, endless oceans of His mind. I will bathe in the countless, bottomless oceans of the different forms of His Love, grace, mercy, and compassion that compose His infinite heart. I will dive deep into the ocean of His countless words and boundless meaning, and be overwhelmingly immersed into the ocean of His infinite glory. Countless oceans of countless forms of glory. I will come to know and understand His countless words, His infinite amount of ideas, forms, systems, theories, games, knowledge, and understanding, and with these I will solve many problems, overcome many challenges, and Liberate many minds and many worlds.