My Own Psalm
The Lord is my courage and my liberty
Who shall conquer me?
The Lord is my hope that never dies
How shall I despair?
When the enemy strikes at me, He is my shield.
When the darkness wounds me, He mends me.
In bondage, He frees me
In iniquity, He forgives me
In fear He gives me courage
In doubt He gives me knowledge
If I could request anything of you Lord
It would be to explore the depths of your mind
And the fathoms of your heart
To traverse the boundlessness of your creations
And taste the limitless Liberty of your glory
May you dwell in my mind and spirit, and be my companion as I travel infinity
Be my greatest defender, my champion, and my merciful King.
Help me face this life with dignity and honor,
And help me face my sins and failures with grace
May you strengthen me, and make me a better friend and worker.
Guide me through both my success and failure.
May you be my rock with a bottomless foundation as I face the wickedness of this world, and may you love me and protect me as eternity approaches
You have been my help, and my King, and I will be forever yours
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