
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Demiurge and the Deluge

The world, all broken and soaking in sin, withstood the weight of its tragic chagrin Incurred the wrath of the Demiurge again The Deluge of fire falls upon its foul kin The flood, and the blood, of a fallen race Will stain and great pain will come to its place The fire burns the liar and the world to its base The hate meets its fate with great fear on its face The Demiurge, that Creator, mysterious and strong Floods the earth, but with fire, and it won't burn for long It purges and it cleanses all the wickedness and wrong But the Demiurge forges a new world Filled with goodness and song The blacksmith, twisting metal and heating the stone That Demiurge, that forger, desires not to be alone He longs to forge children who are righteous when they're grown Noble heroes and leaders who've reaped what they've sown They've sown only rightness and goodness and courage The Demiurge's deluge served its great purpose Now the new world holds nothing but hope No sin holding ...

Building My Heaven

I face my fears and conquer my demons and overcome many an enemy and foe I conquer the darkness within and without. Victorious over more than you know Those who seek to destroy me and break my bright hopes In the end they'd have all stumbled and fell. As they try I'll be within myself building my heaven While the others are building their hell.          The greatest use of the mind is creativity. It is the most valuable and important faculty of our being. Without creativity, all the most fundamental and important components of our species, our condition, and our cultures would be impossible without the human mind's capacity for creative expression. Ideas, ingenuity, innovation, and human progress would be all but impossible without the imagination. As a result, I feel like the most important "muscle" to exercise is the brain, or more precisely, the mind. From my faith and my understanding, the imagination has a lot more legitimacy than people give it credit for....

To Set Free the Oppressed

  There is far more glory in taking someone out of a cage than putting someone in one. Far more glory in breaking chains than shackling them. Far more glory in overthrowing tyranny than becoming a tyrant. Far more glory in liberation than subjugation.  This is because it is often harder to do, as well as the joy and relief liberty brings in comparison to the misery and pain of subjugation. There is no joy in oppression, and no happiness in slavery. Naturally these things are ungodly things and run counter to the objectives of a loving God. In fact, from my understanding, God created all of existence as a massive platform for His love, liberty, and glory. A place where these things can be exercised, made manifest, and shared amongst the whole of His creation. Setting the oppressed free fulfills all three of these things. It is an immense act of love to bring liberty to those who previously didn't have it. It is also an immense act of glory, at times, to initiate and partake in ...

No Reason for Fear

I'm not afraid of dying. That's nothing for me to be afraid of because it is the inevitable guarantee in this life that one day I will be home with Jesus. It is something that will eventually happen regardless of what the world does, what I do, or what the Devil does. It's an unstoppable homecoming. One day, no matter what happens in my life or what this world does to me, I will be swimming in that ocean of God's love, liberty, glory, grace and mercy. Saturated in that ocean. Overwhelmed by it. Almost drowning in it.  And this is an event that can't be stopped. It will happen...because I am not bound to this world forever in the body I have forever. At some point there will be a true, genuine chainbreaking that can't be prevented. Jesus even described himself as a liberator, quoting Isaiah at the start of his ministry that he was sent to "proclaim liberty to the captives and to set free those who are oppressed."  I am not afraid of living either becaus...

A Soldier of the Infinite God

The Creation is the testing ground. Whatever world, whatever realm The trials of angels and men Sow in the fields and in the valleys The seeds of His glory The soldier of the Infinite God Is a conqueror of lack and deprivation A vanquisher of hate He defeats fear He rises above prejudice He outwits ignorance He champions the weak and downtrodden He is the agent of divine liberty The liberator of the oppressed And the purveyor of truth The bright light in the thickest of darkness He will always stand up for those Who could never stand for themselves But He always stands tall To represent the ruler of all.

The Great Guardian

There was once a time where death was nothing Where fear and lies were the only lies Where hope was never lost or fragile Where hate was the only thing that dies Those times are gone, the world was broken By serpent's tongue and human folly The gates to hell were swung wide open Where hate became a ruthless bully That moment when death entered in To a realm designed to be divine Our safety broke by dragon's sin We wait for God's fulfilled design In our wait, we anticipate The death of death and the fate of hate While we wait, we place our faith In a strong guardian so great His sword like flame Cuts through our shame And vanquishes the one to blame His shield he wields Makes our safety sealed From foes around our battlefield This guardian is who I trust He guides me through both ash and dust The great guardian Has no near peer He leaves my enemies in fear He walks with me He talks with me He'll guide me 'till the final year.

Jesus Eleutherios-(the World Liberator)

Even the bible doesn't explicitly mention it, I have my reasons to suspect and believe that God created many worlds. Possibly even countless worlds, of which he is Lord of all of them. Since I believe this, I believe some aspect of eternity involves the exploration and participation in the cultures, games, environments, and knowledge of all these worlds. For me, I look at Jesus as a world liberator. THE world liberator. I don't just see Him as a judge, I see Him as a Healer, but also a great chain-breaker. The agent (or person of God) God sends to set free worlds that have been subjected to oppression, deprivation, and slavery. Even though we belong to God as his subjects, I see Him as a God of absolute liberty. Liberty is one of the most valuable concepts to God that He has in His mind. I believe He detests the slavery that humans do to each other to a very significant level. He also detests the oppression that governments and classes of powerful people subject those they have...

He Gave

He gave me...all the hope I'd ever need. A hope as abundant as the stars He gave me the assurance of His justice He gave me His angels to guide me and protect me from the evils of this world He gave me a powerful mind He gave me a strength I never thought I'd have He gave me a knowledge I never thought I'd get He gave me the security of His Kingdom He gave me a love I didn't deserve He gave me Himself, and that's all that really matters No power of hell or hatred of man can ever take me from His Grace, His Glory, or His Love He gave me my inevitable liberty and my inevitable victory, and no matter what other truths I seek from what other sources I absorb them from, I will always come back to Jesus. I could discover the most profound mysteries of existence and I still would return to His safety and His love, knowing that He is the source of all truth and all glory. He gave me life I give Him my loyalty. He gave me...all the hope I'd ever need. A hope as abundant ...

A Wisp of Vapor

"whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away." -James 4:14 Any sample of infinity, no matter how big, is a zero point when compared to the entirety of infinity. In regards to time, you can take an immense, unfathomable time period, like 1 trillion years, and if you "zoom out" far enough on that line of time even that sample of time is rendered equivalent to a zero point once you start piling on the zeroes, like 1×10 to the 360,000th power years (that's 360,000 zeroes after the one). That makes 1 trillion years seem rather short in comparison, but that's what happens when you play with infinity. In the Book of James, the quote I posted above talks about our individual lives being like "vapor," like what you see floating up from a hot cup of coffee. It appears and disappears in seconds. That's James' illustration to his audience on how short...

The Empire of Sorrow

It rules its world Against its will A broken world Much hope is killed It's built on blood And shattered dreams It needs a flood Or be redeemed Whatever hate And poisoned wells Has driven fate And living hells Its values broke Twisted by lies A brutal stroke As its world dies It sheds its tears Behind closed doors Its endless sorrow For its endless wars Truth be told Its people blessed With strength and courage Through all its tests Its faithful men Stay loyal still It's sorrows will end When the devil's killed It's liberty Will be restored And fear will die Forever more.