The Ocean of His Mind
The mind is a fascinating thing. Without consciousness, I don't think reality would even be able to exist. Does something really exist if there is no awareness to be aware of it?
In fact, that is probably THE definite trait of a mind; awareness. Even greater than thought or imagination, though this very much can be debated. Awareness "makes" reality. Thought and imagination are kind of useless if neither you or anyone else has awareness of them.
The mind is probably the most abstract thing in existence, and because of it's abstractness it is one of the most mysterious things in existence. We don't entirely understand it. Not even close. Even in medicine and philosophy, the problems and mysteries of the mind are some of the most difficult to study and difficult to remedy in all these fields.
Everyone who is alive, alert, and aware of something has a mind. The mind is the core of a human's being. Without it, we are empty shells, not much above a base animal. The mind defines our humanness far more than our bodies, for any creature can have a body, but only humanity can puzzle over things like infinity or love, or build rockets, or design computers. These can only occur because of a complex mind.
Now I talk a lot about the infinity of God. His limitlessness and His infinite complexity. If I were to define "God" to a secular audience or someone who doesn't necessarily believe in Him, I would define Him, first and foremost, as an infinitely complex mind with limitless creativity and a boundless array of ideas and forms that He can think and picture.
This mind can make any thought it has real and substantial, and it can have as many thoughts as it wants.
I would describe God as having an "ocean" of knowledge and an ocean of understanding. An endless ocean to be frank.
In a particular analogy or metaphor, I would liken the entirety of God's mind to be an infinite ocean of consciousness. In some of my conversations, I've described any conscious being outside of the Creator, including ourselves, as being "samples of God."
Isolated, individualized "samples" of His being, like taking droplets out of that ocean mind and turning them into individuals. We're those droplets. We all share in His essence, in His nature, even if imperfectly. This is just another way of saying "we are made in His image."
Our minds are samples of His, like droplets from an infinite ocean of consciousness. Like a wineglass, though, I believe there is still a "stem" that connects us to the whole. A line by which we can draw knowledge and understanding from that "infinite ocean." The only way you can cut yourself off from Him is if you choose to.
I think any of us can tap into that "mind ocean" if we want to. Just like anything in life, you got to ask for it. You got to want it.
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