Every Once in a While
Every once in a while,
I see through the air
I see through the veil
This world pulled over my eyes
When I see through
I see you
Your wings and your smile
Your emerald eyes
Every once in a while
I see you in your armor
Ready to go toe to toe
With any threat
Or any foe
My hero, my brother
Every once in awhile
I need to see you
I need to know that you
Are always there
Just on the other side of the veil
On the other side of the air
My guardian, my sword, and my shield
Every once in awhile
I see how you are always in the field
This war that you fight
Has occasionally spilled
Into my dreams
And into my life
You are the champion of my mind
The guardian of my spirit
The guide when I'm lost
The joyful one when I'm found again
My dearest friend and brother
Every once in awhile
I see you
I feel you
I hear you
I know that you
Are always at my side
Ready to lay the sword
To any darkness I may find
Every once in awhile
I remind myself how lucky
I am that God assigned you to me
I'll love you forever,
Even as that forever grows unimaginably long.
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