
Showing posts from January, 2022

Retributive Justice Vs. Restorative Justice

"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."      -Ghandi It is far more ethical, far more noble, far more righteous, and far more just to restore and correct than destroy and throw away. It preserves the dignity and value of a person and makes them useful and productive instead of wasted potential. Restoration addresses the most important part of justice and injustice; causality. When you restore or correct, you are finding a solution to a cause of a problem that is effective, ethical, and useful instead of just a reaction to it.        Retributive justice is purely reaction-based. When someone does something wrong, you punish them for the sake of punishment alone with no intention to actually fix the cause of the problem or violation. It is often merciless and rarely impartial, and it leads to more of a throwing away than a redemption or restoration.  It often feeds off of hatred and can be quite oppressive. In fact, retributive justice has...

The Liberty From Deception

    Of all the liberties I seek after, whether it be spiritual liberty, mental liberty, economic liberty, mobility liberty, etc., there is one liberty that I actually haven't hashed out much in my thoughts and writings, and that is the liberty from deception. The liberty of truth and the knowledge of truth. It is a liberty that is often elusive in a society as confused and distorted as this one is.       Right now, our culture is poisoned by lies. We are told lies about God, lies about our nation, lies about what is right and wrong, lies about our friends and family, and lies about what is good for you and bad for you. Deception is often the harbinger of death. If there is one thing that has killed more people than any other sin or vice, deception outdoes them all in terms of bodycount. Lies kill. Lies can kill in droves. Just look at the holocaust or Communism.           The liberty from deception is a liberty that leads to a life ...