The Perfect Nemesis

In the broad scheme of things, everything gets accounted for, and every imbalance corrected. I believe wholeheartedly that in terms of higher authorities and the divine, there are truly no secrets from God. He knows all the backroom conversations, all the hidden crimes, all the atrocities, and all violations committed against Him and His law. He sees and hears everything because He is everywhere. No part of His creation escapes His awareness. Nemesis is a concept that stems from Greek mythology, and it is defined as "the inescapable agent of someone or something's downfall." In the Greek legends, Nemesis was usually summoned by arrogance or conceit that offended the gods and required a punishing or correcting. Nemesis was a deity, a goddess who would bring about divine retribution on those who crossed a line ethically or morally or who had undeserved fortune. The concept of Nemesis is tied into the id...