Why Are We Here?

 The age old Question. It's been asked by many people in many places over many years. It's a simple question, but with no simple or satisfying answers. Each person has a different take on the question and some people don't even concern themselves with such ponderings. I won't claim to have the exact answer, and I'm sure my answer won't satisfy everyone, but I'll give my take on it. 

       For me, this world is part of a massively complex system that spans the whole of the universe as well as the broader existence, and it is a complex system in itself, and this system serves as a platform for glory. Not just the glory of God, but the glory of conscious experience in general. There is no single, sweeping purpose for it. In fact, it contains what I believe to be countless purposes and countless reasons for it to exist. It can serve as a game at some points and to some people. The system can serve as a place to form relationships and friendships. It can serve as a place to pursue God. It can serve as a place to fall in love and know the joys of raising families. It can serve as a platform for the pursuit of wealth and physical satisfaction and pleasure. It can serve as a place of trial and tribulation and as a court of judgement for the rightness and wrongness of choices made. It can serve as a platform for the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. It can serve as a platform for struggle and war. It can serve as a school. A hospital. It can serve as a heaven...or a hell. 

    I look at humanity as a species still in relative infancy. We are all just babies in comparison to what else is out there, no matter how old we are. I believe we are eternal. At least our consciousness is, and we will change form and change roles and change realms for an endless period of time.

   My answer for why we are here is both simple and complex. We are here for experience. The experience of everything. Existence is a platform for everything. Every possible experience, lifestyle, world, culture, adventure, and purpose is contained in this existence, and we are here to experience it. It is an act of grace, which itself is an act of love, that we get to experience it at all. It is the experience that matters, and the experience includes all of the things I mentioned in this post. It includes everything, and the most well rounded, fulfilling experience is to get to witness and be involved in all the worlds and lives and realms that exist over the course of eternity. We are here to experience everything, and there is an infinite amount of "things" to experience. This take on the question includes the most important part of "everything;" the relationship with the Creator of everything. 

No one answer to the ultimate question satisfies everyone, but this answer, at times, can satisfy me and give me the hope needed to stay here and face and finish this life.


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