The Inner Citadel

 "The mind, unconquered by violent passions, is a citadel, for a man has no fortress more impregnable in which to find refuge and remain safe forever."

        -Marcus Aurelius

   Your mind is your reality. It is the final receiver of all the information that constitutes your entire existence, ranging from your memories, your knowledge, your dreams and aspirations, and all of the information that makes up your external reality. The mind is the most important component of humanity.

      If my mind is my entire reality, than my main priority is to turn it into a fortress. A fortified bastion of freedom of thought and freedom of creativity. A place within myself to take refuge in when life gets tough and relationships are strained. A fortress of knowledge, wisdom, love, and glory that is impenetrable and indestructible from the outside. No man, no drug, no agency, and no darkness can sapp or sack my fortress.

      The stoics, who I have been following and studying recently aside from my Christian pursuit had this concept called the "inner citadel." A place within yourself, within your mind, that you construct that when you dwell there no outside force can strike you, derail you, or shake you up. It is a fortress you have to construct. It is not something you are born with, but you can build it and enter it in difficult times and struggles when you need a little more reinforcing or security. A refuge or fortified dwelling within your own mind.

     As for me, my inner citadel isn't even mine. I try to construct one for Jesus to dwell in. A place where He is sitted on a throne and the palace/fortress is guarded by some of the strongest angels. I'm just a guest there, just a graced person allowed to be amongst Him. I'd rather have my mind be a temple or a "citadel" for the Infinite God. 

  I'd rather have my fortress within myself be ruled by God than ruled by me. He's much better at managing such things. My goal, as I work to construct my inner citadel, my refuge within myself, is to remind myself that I am not the Lord of that place, but it is a safe and secure place. I'm not even the Lord of myself, and I would have it no other way. God is the Lord of my refuge within myself, my inner citadel, and when I am in His house I can explore His ideas, His glory, and His creativity as much as I want. No darkness or wickedness from the outside world can strike me there. 

   It is impenetrable, and it is mobile. I can wander and work amongst the world while I'm in my inner citadel, and I can travel through stars and galaxies within my mind while maintaining the security of my fortress.

    I think we all should work on constructing a fortress within ourselves. One where we can dwell in times of danger or trouble. My Fortress is defended by angels, and ruled by God.


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