The Galaxy of Liberty

I made my home in a starship. A small one. It has 5 decks, about 15 bedrooms, 3 pools, 2 gyms, and a few other amenities needed to make my journey across the galaxy as comfortable as possible. Hell, I even have a state of the art holodeck which can render any environment, story, game, structure, theme, or scenario to precise realism. 

        That can keep me entertained for years. 

My power supply is virtually unlimited. I have enough energy to sustain interstellar travel for as long as I need to be among the stars. I can replicate any meal from any world. The finest cuisines and the best comfort food from across the galaxy. I have everything I need up here. 

      Not since before Final War have I been so comfortable, so unbelievably safe. I barely survived that tragedy, and my world didn't. I might even be the last of my kind, but that thought is so unsettling I try to avoid it. Even my comfort and safety, even with everything I could ever need...the food...the holodeck...there is one thing I struggle with the most, and that is loneliness. 

I would love a decent friend, or companion I could share my starship with. A partner to explore the galaxy with me. The Final War knocked out a lot of my opportunities for companionship, but that was also thirty years ago. Before the Great Liberation, when all the worlds of the galaxy were set free from the bonds of darkness and granted complete awakening. 

My world destroyed itself 6 years before the most significant event in history-by a LONG shot-would have spared its horrendous fate. The liberation of the galaxy from the snares and chains of darkness by the Light-Givers would have been exactly what was needed to prevent my world from dying, but it died nonetheless. 


I escaped...barely...before the ion pulse built by Ghost Alliance turned the surface of my world to ash, and I definitely didn't have THIS ship. I was in a capsule in hypersleep, my government launched me and a few others into space in the hopes of preserving at least some part of our world, and I stayed in stasis until the Liberation. The Light-Givers swarmed every world in the galaxy and within 6 weeks all oppression, poverty, and bondage were eradicated. Even the darkness of ignorance and the wickedness of hate and corruption were purged completely from every civilization. The darkness and blindness that caused wars, famines, disease, and death was eliminated by the blinding light of knowledge that the Light-Givers had. 

        They found my capsule and woke me up. They "enlightened" me...pun intended...and told me of their plans and purposes for the galaxy. They intended to turn it into a paradise of enlightenment and truth. A place free of persecution, ignorance, stupidity, insanity, evil, slavery, and death. A place of truly limitless abundance. Governments and oppressive systems were rendered obsolete by the light-givers, and true freedom...perfect freedom... was no longer a thing of fantasy. It became the status quo in the entire galaxy

These beings were the ultimate liberators. They were never conquerors. They knew that the highest form of glory came in liberation, not conquest, and they go from galaxy to galaxy and world to world and they liberate all slaves, they end poverty and provide infinite abundance, and they completely destroy all governments of all worlds. Governments, after all, are natural vectors of bondage and oppression. Infinite abundance eliminates any and all need for such things, and that's what the Light-Givers provided. 

They also provided absolute knowledge...and absolute truth, to all consciousness.

They gave me this ship. The history of all the worlds prior to the Liberation. All the entertainment you could ever need.

No I just need a companion to travel this Galaxy of Liberty, this unfathomable freedom, and see all that glorious emancipation and boundless opportunity and limitless abundance the Light-Givers provided. A companion that I can share my life with in this absolute and supreme liberty.


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