The Five Essential Liberties and the Exporting of Freedom


        My major goal in life, and one of my major goals in eternity, is to maximize to the greatest possible extent conceivable to the imagination the degree and quality of all forms of liberty that could exist in this life as well as what comes after. Whether it's economic liberty, social liberty, creative liberty, cultural liberty, relationship liberty, academic liberty, political liberty, spiritual liberty, or mental liberty, my main goal for the new decade was to maximize my freedom to the greatest extent conceivable. 

      This is why I think about infinity so much. The idea that the system of existence is truly limitless in every way conceivable and inconceivable is the most liberating thought I can think of. The sheer amount of choice and opportunity in such a system is mind boggling to say the least. However, it is good to ground myself a little bit and focus on planet earth. 

If I am going to maximize my liberty in my lifetime to the highest degree possible in this world, I have to focus on 5 essential freedoms.

1. The liberty of my spirit.

      This liberty is the most important by far, because it is an eternal liberty. This liberty is what allows you to relate to the broader existence and its creator. This liberty is maintained and achieved by a loving relationship with God.

2.   The liberty of my mind.

      As far as the liberties of the world, this one is the most important for life on earth. Without liberty of thought and the mind, you can be hijacked by beliefs and ideas that deprive you of freedom while making you oblivious to your bondage. If you have mental liberty, you are truly free in your worldly state.

 3. The liberty of movement

Being free to move around and go places and do things is an essential freedom for any conscious being to have to realize the fullest potential of liberty. Mobility is a definitive freedom for humanity.

4. The liberty of purpose

The liberty to choose a purpose, pursue a purpose, achieve a purpose, and/or fulfill a purpose is a massive component of freedom. Work and diligence plays a huge part in this. Freedom without purpose is an empty, meaningless thing, like chaos or decadent, directionless indulgence. Freedom needs a compass, and that's what purpose does for it.

5. Liberty from fear

The last liberty on this list is the liberty from fear. Fear is a freedom killer. Fear kills liberty quicker than anything in existence. Freedom cannot exist without the liberty from fear and the hate that often comes with it. You absolutely need to control, subdue, and neutralize fear to be truly free both as an individual and society. When fear is rendered powerless, liberty can be maximized to the greatest extent.

      On top of these five essential freedoms, I think every human being has a moral and ethical obligation to export their freedom to all oppressed people and all people in bondage and deprivation. Freedom should breed more freedom. It should be contageous, and it should be spread to all human beings on earth.


     I believe we have a duty to export and foster liberty in every culture and every society in the world. I believe we should always act as individual liberators, setting free in any way we can those in bondage around us, just as Jesus will liberate the world entirely from evil, deception, and darkness when He comes back.

    Freedom is the desired state for all God's children, and bondage is unnatural and unethical. No one should live a life of slavery, oppression, or indefinite restriction.

De Oppresso Liber

Set the oppressed free


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