The Creator's Promise

 My dearest friend, as you approach the uncertainty of this lost and dying world, I will be with you and I will dwell in your mind as a lifelong companion, and you will dwell in my palace forever. I will be with you when the enemy strikes you. When the hate and suspicion of a broken and blind people assault your body or strip you of liberty. 

         I will be at your side and inside your beautiful mind as you face the blackest of darkness and the darkest of evil. My love, I will deliver you from the monsters of this place, and I will take you home when your time in this tragedy ends. I will protect you from the Devil and his angels, and clear the way to a life flowing with abundance, purpose, joy, victory, and peace. 

         I will open doors to glory and freedom, and give you that purpose and belonging you have hungered and thirsted for for years now. In due time...I will shatter all the chains of bondage that keep you limited and confined here. No drug, no financial issue, no sin, no ostracization, no pariah, no judgement, no fear, no worldly condemnation will separate you from me forever or leash you indefinitely. I will liberate you from all of this.

       I am with you always and my presence will be enduring as this world dies. I will never forsake you or abandon you to the mercies of this lost and blinded species. I will shield you from their poisons and from the fruit of their fear. 

        If you are murdered, mutilated, violated, or a victim of any particular atrocity, I will avenge you to the fullest and to the entirety of my might and wrath. Your enemies and any who seek to harm you will pay a price that they can't even fathom. 

      Most importantly, as you get older in this dying world, and as this world continues to die, I will be with you through all the trials and cataclysms and destruction that will happen in the death throes of this place. I will never leave you in your greatest successes, or your greatest failures. I have a place prepared for you in my Kingdom. It is filled to the brim with safety, peace, and joy. You and I can spend eons there if you want to. Just me and you, and you will never go hungry or thirsty or feel alone or rejected ever again.

      I will have you forever in an undying place, and eternal Love and eternal liberty will be all that you know. I love you, bud.


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