Meaning and the Mind


   Meaning is the spirit, or "substance" for lack of a better word, of a language or code. It is what allows a mind to comprehend the words and form thoughts, opinions, and ideas with that meaning. Meaning, from my perspective, is universal. Even if the words that convey meaning change, meaning itself remains unchanged. For example, there can be a thousand different words that share the same meaning as strength, but even with different words for the concept, the meaning that provides the weight and spirit of the concept remains the same regardless of what word from whatever language is used to convey it.

       It short, words can change, but meaning never changes. Meaning, once comprehended and  understood, has a massive affect on the minds of human beings. Meaning is what gives words power. True power that is often greatly undervalued and even greatly misunderstood. Understanding meaning is what enables language to shape our thoughts, our relationships, and our imaginations. It is meaning and the understanding of the meaning of words that shape our internal world and can cut into our minds and our understanding.

      It is the meaning of a set of words that shape our faith and our religions. It is the meaning of words that shape our understanding of politics and war. In fact, it is meaning and the power meaning has over our minds that shapes our comprehension of our entire reality.

   Never underestimate the power of meaning, and never underestimate someone who can comprehend the meaning of language or code. With that understanding, you have power over the topic and you have power over the minds of any audience you may have.

   If something has meaning, it has power. Symbols and symbolic acts prove this. Words with potent meaning, if applied effectively, can cut into the thoughts and feelings of another person and change their inner mind. That is power, not just an illusion of it. You can reshape, renew, or even destroy a mind with meaning and the words or symbols that convey it. Its a matter of time, potency, and applicability.

    Meaning is just the fundamental essence of information. It is the foundation of abstract thought and abstract ideas. Words, symbols, and other languages are the carriers that convey and transmit meaning into our minds.

         Meaning is like an invisible language in its own right. We only have access to it through the vectors that transmit it to our minds (words, language, and symbols). We never directly observe meaning outright. Meaning can be conveyed by a thousand different words or symbols, but the raw, uncoded meaning of anything is never directly encountered.

       Meaning itself is like an absolute code. The pure, perfect language of all things. Like a "language of God" sort of thing, and from my infinitist perspective, meaning is what encodes both the abstract and the physical into existence. It is the language through which all things were created, and since I believe the system is infinite, I believe there is an unlimited quantity, degree of quality, and diversity of meaning and purpose within all of existence. Life not only has meaning, but meaning is absolute and in infinite abundance. 😁


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