Liberty, Courage, and Knowledge

"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave."

      -Frederick Douglass

 Preserving liberty, fostering it, and advancing it depends on the success of two things; courage in the face of fear, and the triumph of knowledge over ignorance. If your country is run and inhabited by cowards and idiots, liberty won't last long.

      Knowledge is like the lifeblood of freedom. If you don't have knowledge or liberty of thought, it's a lot easier to subjugate you. Freedom depends on the intelligence, morality, and courage of a people.

           If knowledge is the lifeblood of freedom, then courage is it's bones. Bravery is essential to prevent tyranny and fight oppression. No oppressive system has ever been defeated by cowardice. It's usually cowards doing the oppressing. Cowards with power always find liberty terrifying and threatening, so they use fear to terrify free people into submission. Oppression isn't so much an act of dominance and power as it is an act of cowardice. 

        There is more power in fostering freedom than there is in subjugation,  and there is far more glory in liberation than conquest.

        Courage is more successful when you have knowledge. It is a lot easier to combat the evils of ignorance and oppression if you have a good understanding of reality. Courage is rarely easy, but it's success is made more probable with knowledge and faith.

      Oppression and subjugation are always acts of cowardice, whether mental, physical, or otherwise.

It's just the strong and brutal praying on the weak and meek.

Systems of liberty require far more knowledge, far more creativity, and far more bravery than tyranny ever could.

Only cowards and idiots oppress and enslave.


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