Infinite Grace, Infinite Mercy, and Perfect Justice
Grace, mercy, and justice are some of the most powerful and most important concepts of God's nature and His creation. God and existence would be incomplete without these beautiful concepts. Grace, simply defined, is being given a gift, blessing, or skill, that you don't deserve, nor could ever earn. Mercy, simply defined, is being spared of an unpleasant, undesirable punishment that you very much do deserve. Justice, simply defined, is the treatment or response to an event or action that is exactly what is needed or deserved and fitting for the given circumstance or event. Justice is creating balance, order, and rightness out of a disruption of that balance or order. All three of these things pertaining to existence are very interrelated and sometimes even codependent on each other.
Existing at all, anywhere, is an act of grace. Even existence itself being allowed to exist is done so by the grace of the Creator. If He wanted to, He could negate the whole system, regardless of how infinite that system is. In a sense, such restraint of power is an act of mercy. Mercy, though, is kind of a subset of grace.
Perfect justice, in regards to humanity, is something that has yet to be achieved in our world. No court, no tribunal, no judgement or punishment has ever achieved perfect justice. Humans have a hard time comprehending such things. Justice in a physical world is hard to perfect, because we have yet to find a formula that can adequately address the injustices or imbalances that exist in our world, or have a punishment or restitution that is precisely fitting for the circumstances or events. Plus, there are differing opinions and perspectives on what is actually just or what is actually needed.
From my perspective, justice cannot exist without mercy. In order for justice to exist, there has to be room for redemption, restoration, or correction. This always requires mercy. Redemption isn't possible without mercy. Neither is correction. Mercy is essential for justice because of this reason, and in terms of freedom, justice is essential in preserving liberty. If there is no mercy in justice, liberty is choked because a merciless justice system often leads to oppression.
There is a place where perfect justice does exist, and that is in eternity and the realm of the Infinite God. Eternity is a complex place. Justice takes on a new form when infinity and eternity are factored in. It no longer becomes simple, absolutist, or rigid. With all the worlds that exist in existence and all the realms of reality and the countless ways of configuring space, time, consciousness, forms, and ideas, the possibilities for what justice can do and how it can be applied to transgressions or wrongdoings become far more complex and far more dynamic than how humans interpret things like justice, fairness, grace and mercy.
God, in all His infinite potency and all His infinite knowledge and creativity can apply justice and redemption in ways we as humans can't even fathom or process accurately. As far as wrongdoings, God knows precisely how, when, and especially why everything happened in a given situation or a given person's life. As a result, His comprehension and application of justice and applying it perfectly over not just a lifetime, but eternity and all the ways time and reality can be configured in eternity, is absolutely perfect and flawlessly fitting for the circumstance or individual. Such perfect justice eludes the imaginations of humanity quite substantially.
To me, eternity is too complex for absolutist condemnations of individuals by people in this world to be completely legitimate, and in its complexity God can apply a perfect justice that is creative and serves precisely the purpose God wants it to.
I believe God's grace and mercy is far greater than human beings can comprehend. Infinitely greater. So much greater, in fact, that I believe we will be surprised at who, how, and why He extended grace and mercy on certain people, certain situations, and certain worlds.
Infinite grace, for me, is being given the opportunity to spend eternity in the presence of a truly limitless, infinite God, and being immersed in His infinite creation for all time. Such abundance, purpose, love, fulfillment, and experience is something that through merit, work, or integrity is absolutely, positively, entirely impossible to earn or achieve in some way, and it is something I have no standing in a billion years to claim I deserve such a thing. Such a thing is humbling in its reminder of the Sovereignty and absolute authority of the one who gave it to me. The supremacy of this infinite Creator is demonstrated to the highest degree through this infinite grace.
Infinite Mercy, in short, is being spared being completely cast out from the glory and love of the above-mentioned gift of infinite grace. Being spared the condemnation of being entirely separated from the presence of the Creator as well as cut off from the joys, pleasures, purposes, and glory of His creation.
Infinite Justice is finding the perfect balance of consequence, reward, and punishment for the choices made in this infinite system and finding the perfect application of mercy, redemption, grace, and glory and applying it to me and all other subjects of this system for the eternity of its existence. That perfect, creative, fitting, restorative, corrective, and redemptive justice that is totally in harmony with the complexities and dynamic arrangements of God's infinite system. This justice absolutely accounts for how long eternity is and the possibilities for redemption, correction, and mercy that an eternal timeframe allows for.
Eternity's a long time to redeem, heal, and correct broken souls and remedy their broken choices.
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