God, the Lesson Teacher

     We were made to be taught lessons. That is one of our core purposes. To be instructed, guided, and educated about existence and reality. Out of our own volition, we either accept our lessons or reject them. We either follow the rules or we don't.

      We are often allowed to slip out down erroneous paths, and in our arrogance we assume that we have the right understanding and in our pride we often never change even when proven wrong.

       God allows such divergence, that misguided trajectory, so He can correct it for His glory and satisfaction. Out of love and often for the interests of our general well being, He every once in awhile will teach us a lesson we cannot reject. Something so irrefutable and rebukingly corrective we have no choice but to acknowledge it. Even no choice but to accept it.

        He does this not only out of love, but also for the glory of proving His enemies absolutely wrong, even to the point of their destruction.

His lessons may be harsh, even retributive to a level of violence, but they are often what is necessary to correct broken, oppressive, or distorted systems, nations, and worlds.

"The LORD rebuke you," as the archangel stated to the Devil, sums up God's approach to the world. A rebuke and correction of a misguided humanity with distorted thinking and rampant depravity. "Rebuke" is defined as "a sharp disapproval or criticism."

    Some rebukes are so poignant, so powerful, and so cutting that it is impossible to ignore them or not change some level of behavior in response to them.


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