Rest Your Mind Behind My Shield
Oh weary son
Your heart's always on edge
Your mind never rests
You are struck by anger far too much
You fear needlessly for so many minutes of your days
Rest behind my shield
Rest secured by my sword
Rest under the light of my truth
My big guy
My shield can stop any weapon formed against you
The poisons and hate shall not strike you
My sword can cut into the very souls of your enemies
No wicked or depraved being can withstand the might of this blade
The enemy's hate and the hatred of men cannot harm you under My shield.
Lies are cut to pieces by My sword and My word
Be at ease under My protection
Have peace and hope in your mind and heart with the knowledge of my infinite liberty and my eternal security.
Just know, that the blindness of hate and prejudice can't withstand the light of truth
Just know, that the sickness of sin cannot withstand the grace of God
Just know, that the blackness of evil cannot usurp the glory of an infinite God
Rest your thoughts on My love
Rest your mind behind my shield
And rid your fear underneath my sword
You are protected, big guy, from the hate here
Soon, you will be liberated eternally from the lies of this lost world.
Rest assured of this, my beautiful man
For now, rest your mind behind my shield
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