The Perfect Smile
I saw angels once
At least I thought I did
They were like ghosts
Apparitions in the air
Their bodies faint as smoke
You could see right through them
You could barely see them at all
The wings were just outlined
Just giant arches coming off the apparitions backs
You couldn't see skin
Just a faint body.
There were three of them
They were smiling at me
You should have seen the middle one's smile
It was perfect, even mischievous
Just nothing but love emanating from the grin
You see this smile, and all fear is gone
There is no more grief
Anger fades to peace
Sadness fades to joy
And if but for a moment
I felt truly happy
Truly joyful
Like hope and love were blankets you can wrap yourself in
That smile.
I'll never forget that smile
It wiped my fear and pain away
If but for a moment
The angel gave me hope
And a grin I long to see again
I will see that angel again
I will see his smile
His smile that wipes out my fear
That perfect smile.
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