The Glorious Adventure
I will travel with you, love.
Through infinity's sky.
above the highest realms
through the most beautiful worlds
into the most majestic of mountains.
on streets of gold and towers of ivory
On heaven's wings I will lift you
I will fly with you through the stars
Through the Nebulae.
We will face our enemies together
and triumph over them
You and I, love
We will conquer darkness
We will annihilate the agents
of the blackest voids
We will conquer the most blinding deceptions
Hate will die at the edge of our swords
Death will die at the shout of our voices
Sin will burn to cinder
Fear will fall forever
The glorious adventure will see no end
You and I, love
Will exist forever
In realms of abstract
Realms of physical
Realms of the infinite
Life eternal is our prize
Eternity's glory is in store for you, love
You will dwell in My presence for all time
Exploring my infinite system
My endless adventures
My worlds upon worlds
My cultures upon cultures
My love, I will walk with you
talk to you
Shield you from wickedness
As we enter into eternity unimaginable
I will have you, hold you, cherish you
As you experience the fullest liberation
Of Heaven's love
And My glory
Sleep well, my dearest friend
Soon, you will sleep in a room
in the Highest heaven
Good night
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