The Mind Temple
My mind is your Temple, King.
Dwell in it how you like.
Do whatever you want to it.
With my imagination and words
I will glorify you.
In my mind I picture an infinite array of worlds
Of realms
Of universes
Of realities
As I imagine these things, I imagine each world, each realm, each universe, each reality having a temple for you, or a palace.
Each world has a throne that only you get to sit on.
Each throne is unique. The thrones for the worlds are fitting for each world.
The thrones for entire universes are fitting for each universe, and proportional in value and power as well.
Every realm has a throne that only you get to sit on, my King
You are King of all things in my mind
You are King of all things outside of my mind
You are King of all things everywhere
The Creator of the Infinite Creation
A platform for Your glory
A platform for everything
My King, make my mind Your temple
And make me who you want me to be.
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