The Death of Insanity

I dream of a day...

Where insanity no longer exists.

Its darkness purged out of existence by an absolute truth.

I dream of a day...

Where the lies of this place

that poison the minds of this world

and cause such pain and such death

are eradicated by the purest of light 

and the most perfect of truth

I dream of a day...

Where I wake up 

and no longer question my sanity

what is real

or what has happened to me. 

Where truth is an ultimate

and it is absolute

and all the darkness of my life

is brought to light

and all the voids of my existence

are filled to the brim

overflowing with nothing but love

I dream of a day...

where my fears are destroyed

where hate no longer poisons my life

and the darkness and confusion that sows these

are burned up by the light of truth. 

I dream of a day...

Where blights of the mind 

and poisoned thoughts

and all the other products of the sin here

will no longer be lifelong curses

I dream of a day...

Where I am absolutely



utterly liberated

from things like sin

and hate

and fear

and death

Where I go to a place in God's infinite existence

and concepts like insanity or delusion no longer exist

Where madness dies entirely

and all that is left is freedom




and goodness

I dream of a day...

Where darkness no longer exists

and insanity dies forever


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