God and His Liberty

    Aside from love, liberty is probably my favorite aspect of the nature of the Creator. Freedom and liberty are of the highest value and the highest priority in my life on earth. I absolutely loathe oppression and bondage. I despise it, detest it, and hate it to its core. 

      I've mentioned before that I think liberty is an inherent human right, one that should be protected, nurtured, and fostered in every human society and nation. The desire for freedom is wired in every human being on the planet, both those in bondage and those who enjoy it and are blessed with it.

         To me, the Creator of existence is a God of the highest liberty, and the bestowing of liberty upon His creation is an act of the highest love. Love itself being the most preeminent component of God's nature.

God's infinite creative capacity provides for an infinite amount of opportunity and endless levels of freedom. An infinite Creation is the biggest possible platform by which liberty can be partook in and exacted to the fullest potential possible. I believe God did create something like this, and this world is just one place amongst endless places for God's children to experience a taste of the massive array of experiences existence has to offer.

If it is infinite, there are endless opportunities, endless experiences, and endless liberty over the course of an eternal timeframe. This is a gift of God, and we as His children get the fullest extent of the experience of our relationship with the Creator.

In heaven, in eternity, slavery and oppression do not exist. They are rendered obsolete, by default, by an infinite system. You don't need to oppress or enslave when you have infinite abundance

To me, heaven belongs to the oppressed, the enslaved, the subdued who yearn for freedom and had their dreams stripped away by oppressors and exploiters. Along with the faithful, this infinite and eternal creation and the presence of its infinite and eternal Creator is a place where dreams are restored and what we lost is given back with a massive surplus of even more than what we lost to begin with. It belongs to children who never got to grow up, and the crippled and disabled who never got to have a full life. This restoration of loss and a return of fullness to the broken, wronged, and violated is a gift of God's grace. This is how I view Jesus' grace; a restoration, reparation, and healing of broken souls.


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