No One is a Lost Cause

     There is not a single human being on the planet who is a lost cause. There is hope for anyone and everyone who still draws breath in this world. Even into eternity and the realm of God there is always hope and mercy to be found for those who lost so much and had such misfortune or detriment fall upon them in life. Jesus is the great rescuer of the lost. The great savior of sinners and broken people. The great returner of broken dreams. 

     To Jesus, there is no such thing as a lost cause, a hopeless case, or an impossible situation.  Even though people lose hope sometimes and sink into despair, eternity and the Kingdom of God is a place where hope never dies and the lost are found eternally, never to be lost again.  With God, all things are possible, and all those lost are findable. 

     Jesus specializes in the mending broken hearts and broken dreams, and eternity is a long time to have dreams fulfilled and rest in the glory and peace of God endlessly.  He never forgets about us or forsakes us, even when we turn our backs on Him. He never gives up on us.

       Unfortunately, people give up on each other too easily and too quickly.  Teachers give up on students sometimes right before that student could make a massive breakthrough in understanding. Coaches give up on players sometimes right before that player could finally grasp the game or situation with clarity. Spouses give up on their spouse sometimes right before they realize the decisions and strategies necessary to save the marriage. This stuff happens all the time. 

 We give up on each other often just before we could overcome our challenges, and as a result we leave each other to the waves and leave each other to the wolves when all it would take is a little more effort and we could have saved someone's future or saved someone's life.

    We count as lost causes causes that aren't actually lost. Not by a long shot. We count some people as hopeless cases when there is always a measure of hope in every case. Sometimes you just got to look a little harder.

    If people didn't give up on each other so easily and worked to be a helping hand, a support, a shoulder to rest on, and champion of the weak and downtrodden, we would have a much better world. Lost causes to Jesus are not legitimate. Any cause Jesus wants to have happen, it will happen. 

    We should treat the lost causes and hopeless cases of our lives with a little bit more hope and a knowledge that anything is possible with God and the lost can always be found.

Not only should we not give up on other people. We shouldn't give up on ourselves. We are never lost causes if we have Jesus. Hopelessness is not a factor when an infinite God dwells within your mind and spirit.  It's hard to be lost when God dwells in you. 

       I have often felt like a lost cause. I've been very hopeless at times in my life. I never gave up, though. Jesus walked me through the darkness, and loved me regardless of my sin and failure. I will never be a lost cause as a follower of Jesus Christ.

  I try to never see anyone else as a lost cause, either.


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