Spherical Hierarchies

So I have an avid fascination with hierarchies and hierarchal structures. They are an essential and prevalent component of humanity and just the universe in general. 

When most people think of hierarchies, they think of the basic top down, command style hierarchy, the one humanity has been using for the better part of its existence.

I've talked a lot about cyclical "rock paper scissors" hierarchies and how cycling power like that would bring stability and balance to a system.

That's a little more advanced than top down, 2 dimensional hierarchies.

I would like to talk about a system that is a little more advanced and multidimensional.

A spherical hierarchy. In a spherical hierarchy, the power structure would be made in the form of a sphere. The absolute authority would be the center of the sphere, much like the center of gravity of a planet or star. That center power would be the one in charge of the whole system and project power on up in all directions up the hierarchy to those on the edge or "surface" of the sphere.

 Coupled with complex networking and arrangement of power within the sphere aside from the central authority, this system would be much better at evenly dispersing power to where even the "surface" parts, the "lowest" in the hierarchy would not bear the weight of oppression like the bottom of a top down hierarchy would.

 The spherical shape would disperse power and responsibility in a balanced and equal way, even while retaining a hierarchal structure. Since the authority would be the center, power would be projected outward on the hierarchy in all directions, and the hierarchy would be strong and very well balanced, like a ball or a star. 

Oppression would no longer be necessary and wouldn't exist in this system because power is so evenly dispersed and balanced by the hierarchy, even with the supreme authority at the center. The top would be the low end of the hierarchy and the bottom "center" would be the top. Another act of balance.

Since its multidimensional, power is distributed more evenly and with less weight on the subordinate parts.

I think about hierarchies a lot because I think their has to be a better way of arranging social and political systems, or societies and nations in general. We have to make them more fair, balanced, and just, and creative ways of arranging power in creative hierarchies are possibly one way of doing it.

That's why I think about this stuff. I think it's important to present alternatives that could be solutions to many of our problems.


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