The Weaponizing of Infinity


Infinity is one of the most intriguing and powerful abstract mathematical concepts encountered by humans. It has profound and complex mathematical implications when applied to various theories and realms of thought.

     Combining the concept of infinity with other abstract concepts, forms, or ideas leads to complexity unparalleled by any other and this complexity is often elusive to most people.

      The concept of weaponizing infinity can be a fun mental exercise. It's not so much a physical weapon as a weapon of the mind.  It is using infinite constructs and different forms and types of infinity to target and stretch minds to a much greater limit than they have been stretched before and effectively "blow the mind up."

Another mental application is weaponizing an infinitely complex system, turning that system against the great enemy of infinity, and the great enemy of all things; nothingness and void. Nothingness is the great source of evil, destruction, and death in existence. Creating an infinitely complex system that stretches on forever effectively annihilates void. Nothingness no longer exists. It gets conquered by this infinitely complex system.

In our world, the great enemy is a void here as well. A nothingness. It is a void within the minds of humanity. The great agent of this darkness/void is mass deception and distortion. Deception, being the absence of truth, is a void in itself. Infinite systems and infinite ideas eradicate this void, and strip deception of its power and reach.

An infinitely complex system cannot be destroyed by anything, and it completely conquers nothingness and fills the void.

Now of course, much of this is extremely abstract. It can be difficult to process, but this weaponizing of infinity is more for the mind than anything.

Thinking about these concepts and constructs  and stretching your mind with the concept of infinity helps create the idea of an infinitely complex system within your own mind as a framework you can work with in your imagination.

Inducing this complexity and mind expansion on another person may help liberate their thinking a bit and broaden their understanding of existence and their own world.

Of course, "creating" an infinitely complex system within the physical reality is not very possible, since the physical reality is finite as far as we can tell, but in the "abstract" reality, the realm of the human mind and imagination, infinity is not only possible, it is foundational to that abstract realm. Accessing it comes from within yourself. Weaponizing it? That would be quite the feet. You may "blow up" a lot of minds if you do.


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