The Seven Chief "Foundation Stones" of the Infinite Existence

I have put quite a bit of thought into the concept of an infinite existence. I've written a lot about infinity and realities and universes over the course of the last year. 

In this hypothetical infinite existence, I've been meditating on its components and structure to try to construct a more clear presentation of the concept. Obviously, my primary reference point for an infinite existence is the world and reality I am currently in right now. In my thinking, I have narrowed down, in my mind at least, 7 "foundation stones," of my conceptualization of an infinite existence, with the tie in of each foundation stone being that each one can be tied into infinity somehow. 

      The first "foundation stone," and the most important and the origin of all the rest, is consciousness.  The absolute foundation of the infinite existence would be an infinite consciousness, of which all other consciousness in existence would be finite, isolated samples of.  This would be akin to what essentially would be the "mind of God," a truly infinite and eternal mind with unlimited potency. Without consciousness, the rest of existence wouldn't have anything to be aware of it, nor would it have its foundation. Without consciousness, nothing would exist.

    The second foundation stone is ideas. Ideas are the abstract conceptual constructs of any mind. The outcome and progression of thought, so to speak, and thinking is what minds do. Naturally, from consciousness would come thought and through thought would come abstract ideas and the development of abstract information. There would be an infinite amount of ideas coming from an infinite consciousness.

      The third foundation stone would be forms.  Forms would be mental structures of physical objects and constructs based on space. The forms would be very closely related to the formation of ideas, but forms are different in that they are physical/spatial things. They would still be the construct of an infinite mind/consciousness. The forms would exist independently of substance, even though substance and form are very related. Again, there would be an infinite amount of potential forms.

       The fourth foundation stone would be space. space would be the platform by which the rest of the foundation stones would operate in and interact with each other. Not only would the expanse of space be infinite, but the possible configurations of space would be infinite as well in order to enable the implementation of infinite forms. 

  The fifth foundation stone would be time. Time is highly related to space. in fact, in our universe, space and time are considered of the same fabric. The same "space-time matrix" by which all physical things operate in. I separate it in this hypothesis because time operates a little differently than space in terms of functionality and purpose. Time allows for the progression of events within existence to occur and games and experience to have their procedures and outcomes take place.  In an infinite existence, the concept of infinity applied to time is known as eternity. Not only would absolute time be eternal in an infinite existence, but there would be an infinite amount of ways to configure time and timelines. 

The sixth foundation is energy. Energy, like light, would be the core element of the physical parts and constructs of the infinite existence. Energy would be boundless and everywhere in the physical realms of the infinite existence. 

   Energy, confined and structured and bound by fields and given mass, is the primary make-up of the seventh and final foundation of this "infinite existence" hypothesis; Substance. Substance is the physical mold by which all physical forms can be manifested into existence and projected into the minds of consciousness, both the consciousness of the infinite mind as well as isolated, finite consciousness. 

  I listed these in this order because these foundation stones are hierarchal, with consciousness the first and most important part of that hierarchy. Each subsequent foundation stone is lesser and preceded in importance by the one before it.  

There you have it. My hypothesis for the night.

Good night.


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