The Light
We are all made of light, in a sense. All matter is is condensed, structured energy at its core. Light is just energy as well. Light, to me, is the basic energy. The foundation of all things physical and even spiritual is light, from my perspective.
I look at examples from scripture to reinforce the importance of light in my mind. In the beginning, the first thing God said...the very first words out of his mouth was, "let there be light." He spoke existence into existence.
I look later on in the New Testament and think of the Gospel of John and recall Jesus being described as "the light" on multiple occasions throughout the gospel. It said the darkness "did not over come him".
Light is often synonymous with goodness or righteousness. Based on the genesis account, I think I can speak truthfully when I say light is from God. So, obviously, Jesus, being the incarnate word of God as the gospel of John describes him as, its only natural and fitting that Jesus would be pure light. The purest of light so to speak, and in him there was no darkness at all.
I have a lot of darkness in me. Even though I'm not going around committing crimes or atrocities, I still have darkness. Whether it be bitterness, hate, vengeful thoughts, obscene language, sexual immorality, the list goes on I am not free of sin and the darkness of this world and the influence of evil.
None of us are. We all find a blight, a black spot, whether in our hearts or minds, that separate ourselves from God's glory and is infinite love. In my darkness, though, my light is never extinguished. It's never blotted out. I've noticed something about darkness. All it takes is just a small amount and you can see well enough to find things in a pitch-black room.
This speaks volumes to me, even if the darkness is all consuming and overwhelming, all it takes is a single flame, a single light, to cut through it. Darkness only wins if the light is blotted out, and darkness cannot do that, because darkness is a void, an emptiness. Light is the only thing that truly exists. Jesus, being God's perfect light, can never be extinguished
He's like a supernova to me, haha. I know, it sounds cheesy. He is bright and so powerful that all my darkness is obliterated and all those voids are filled. A supernova, being the most high energy, high luminosity explosion in the universe that can lighten up the night sky of a planet from hundreds of lightyears away. Darkness doesn't stand a chance against that light, darkness doesn't stand a chance against the light of an infinite God. Jesus is that light to me. He is my light.
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