Tapping into the Infinite Mind


     We all have a creative side. We all have the ability to create art or to tell a story. It's an inherent component of our humanity and our minds.


    Creativity is such an essential component of the human condition. Our society wouldn't be as advanced, nor would our culture and leisure be as rich, without creativity.

    Creativity is fostered by liberty. Liberty provides the framework and platform by which creativity flourishes. You need liberty in order for creativity to reach its highest potential or for it to even exist at all. When liberty dies, so does creativity.

      Tapping into Creativity can be difficult, but we all have creativity within us. 

      Fortunately, for me and for everyone else, creativity can never be completely stifled or destroyed. The very concept of creativity comes from the mind of an infinite God. No finite, narrowminded thing can destroy an infinite construct. Nothing can destroy an infinite mind. 

       Since I view that human minds are samples of that infinite mind and that our physical universe is a physical conceptualization of that infinite mind (The physical universe is, at its roots, an idea of God's), I believe we are all connected mentally to that mind. We all have a root or connection to a broader infinity, a direct line to that infinite mind with an infinite array of forms and ideas at its disposal to use creatively and constructively however it wishes.  

Its just many of us haven't tapped into that infinite mind yet. I believe that if you want to access that broader infinity all you have to do is ask for it. All you have to do is use your imagination and exercise it. 

 Within an infinite mind comes a truly unlimited creative capacity. The ability to build and construct realities upon realities and universes upon universes however it wants to, whenever it wants to, and create and recreate as it pleases. The infinite mind of God has infinite liberty. Liberty without boundaries.

Just like creativity is the highest form of intelligence, creativity is the highest form of liberty. The more creative you are, the more free you are.


 I truly believe each human mind is a sample of that infinite mind, albeit a very finite and small one, and some have a better grasp of things than others and some connections to the infinite mind are more open than others.

 If you want to know what connects you to the infinite mind of God and the broader infinite existence the most, it is your imagination. Your imagination is God's greatest mental gift to you. With your imagination and the creativity that comes with it, you can truly tap into infinity, albeit only a small part of it at a time. Imagination is the mind's creative platform, and if you want liberty of the mind, you have to hone and develop your imagination.

The imagination, along with faith, is how you tap into the infinite mind of God. Of course, loyalty to that creator is also exceedingly important.  Without loyalty and faith, entering into a relationship with that infinite God is quite difficult and as a result so is accessing His mind. 

   Tapping into an infinite mind can give you access to ideas and constructs you yourself previously couldn't even imagine being real. Obviously, if that mind is infinite, there are an infinite amount of ideas to access, develop, and bring into this reality.  A truly beautiful thing if you can let it be.

     I look at the universe itself, all the stars, planets, cities, people, creatures, all of it being the conceptualization of a mind. We are all thoughts. We are all ideas. Everything is the thought and idea of an infinite mind. For me, the design of the universe is conceptual. At its root, every physical thing is just an idea, a thought, of an infinite mind that gave its thoughts substance and "weight" to them, manifesting the physical universe as an extension and construct of its infinite mind. A physical platform by which this creator can both witness and partake in physical experiences and a physical interaction with its creations. 

The universe itself being a finite sample of an infinite creation, and our own minds being a finite sample of an infinite mind, a creator who interacts with us, plays games with us, and loves us beyond measure or understanding.  We are all "thoughts" and "ideas" at our core. So is all of existence. Who is to say our minds can't tap into broader infinities, or can't enter into a loving and beneficial relationship with God and His infinite mind?


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