The Mysteries of the Universe

So, a few years back, I had a psychologist say in a condescending, mocking tone "he thinks he knows the secrets of the universe" as I was at a hearing to determine how long I was going to be committed to a psychiatric facility. It was kind of an arrogant assumption on his part, as I never actually claimed to know those things. No one can know definitively the "mysteries of the universe" as that doctor so eloquently put it. I just actually take the time to think about them and puzzle over them. No one ever came to answers about their life and came to solve or understand mysteries without actually taking the time to think about them. Sometimes the answers to life's mysteries as they pertain to you don't come from the external universe, they come from your internal one. It's a matter of belief. Your beliefs structure your mind. In a sense, what you believe about reality shapes and provides th...