The Database of Infinite Ideas
"There is nothing new under the sun." This Ecclesiastical quote I believe reigns true. It means that originality doesn't exist and what has existed has always existed in some way or some method, whether in God's mind or in existence in general.
However, there is a lot more "under the sun" than I think people realize. Infinitely more to be precise. In my belief system, the mind of God is infinite. The specifics of infinity can be a little ambiguous. Obviously, because infinity is a hard concept for humans to grasp in its entirety. One way I describe the mind of God is it being a "database" of sorts of an infinite amount of ideas.
I have had this inclination to believe that humans have a sample of that infinite mind within us, being conceptions of that infinite mind ourselves. In a way we are connected to the mind of God, and our own minds came from that infinite mind in their own right and still maintains a connection to it even if we haven't tapped in to that infinite mind as much as we could or would like to yet.
Whenever a human being accesses a new or seemingly original idea, I view that this information comes from that infinite mind. That "database of infinite ideas." Of course, humans are finite. Our brains are finite. Our universe is finite. What we access in our minds is usually just applicable to our world or our universe.
However, even in its finiteness the number of ideas and forms we can develop and apply to our world and our human experience is quite vast, exceedingly vast.
Also, even though we are limited by a universe of finiteness and limitations, I believe other realms of existence (other realities, universes, etc.) do exist, and there are an infinite amount of them. What doesn't apply in this world could very well apply elsewhere, and there probably are things we cannot even conceive of that exist in the broader infinity.
I believe the mind of God has existed forever. An infinite mind needs no beginning, nor does it ever end. At its root, I believe this universe started as an idea of that infinite mind. The universe clearly has a beginning, and most likely has an end, and I view that the code for the foundation of this universe is a mental conception and language of an infinite mind. A created system that all conscious beings within it, humans or otherwise, are subject to.
I don't think an infinite mind, with infinite potential and a database of infinite ideas created just one finite, limited universe with just one organism sharing a sample of its mind. I feel that it created countless constructs, both physical and abstract, with structures of time, space, substance, and reality more complex, wondrous, powerful, and unique than any human could possibly imagine.
Though we share in this infinite mind and are a finite (very finite) sample of it, our capacity to grasp the sheer volume of ideas and information that make up this infinite mind is very limited. We can only handle so much and we can only access a small sample of these ideas at a given moment. We share in the creative power of this mind only by accessing ideas that have already existed in the infinite mind, maybe not in our world or our lives and are new to us. In a sense though, these ideas have ALWAYS existed in that "database of infinite ideas" that make up the mind of God.
I believe everything that exists, both physical and abstract, started out as an idea. Those ideas are timeless, and have always existed, even before they were made into a physical thing or brought into a physical reality, and they will always exist in that infinite mind, even after the physical dies.
Many of these ideas are waiting to be accessed by humans. All you have to do is work. All you have to do is think. All you have to do is ask. All you need is faith
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