
     I will always have a thorn in my side. A mark that will follow me until the day I am liberated from this prison of a world. That mark could be my various detrimental mistakes. It could be mental illness. It could be sexuality. Anything that marks you in the eyes of society and people in your life will always be attached to the concept others have of who you are.

      No one likes being judged, especially for things they can't control or mistakes that they've repented and apologized for. I sure don't. Whether by friends or family or government or society, it's never fun to be tried and judged by other human beings, whether it be criminal or a condemning mistake or character flaw that condemns you in the eyes of your peers. 

    No one should be condemned by friends and family for weaknesses and shortcomings they can't control. Unfortunately that's how many humans are. They retain a level of primitivity and predatory behavior fed by superiority complexes that make many humans unable to overcome their own insecurities and move past things like petty jealousy that they end up victimizing others.

         Judgement is a part of this. Judgement of others for what is deemed as inherent, irredeemable, or even condemnable flaws is predatory at its base. Judgement and condemnation turns the victim or judged into a pariah. An outcast. Something to be avoided. Often times to such a degree that the judged becomes socially and economically crippled. Judgement, coupled with condemnation and unforgiveness, almost always leads to oppression and the violation of rights and the deprivation of opportunities.

      Unfortunately, the common person is a primitive animal, aggressive in their judgement and overly condemning of people they deem lesser or inferior because of mistakes or an inherent trait of their very nature that gets condemned as irredeemable. This exemplifies a level of mental unsophistication and animalistic primitivity in a human who judges and condemns unjustifiably or ignorantly.

      It demonstrates a great shortcoming in the inability to overcome insecurity and jealousy and humbling oneself out of superiority complexes. We all have plank in our eye. Don't judge the speck in others.

     There is a reason judgement is reserved for God alone when it comes to things like eternity and the remission of sins. Only He has perfect, flawless awareness of every detail down to every point in space and point in time for every individual. Only He is equipped to deal perfect justice.

     We as humans are called to forgive, called to love, and called to reserve judgement for higher, more knowledgeable forces than ourselves, like a court of law or God Himself.

The only way to destigmatize a stigma and reduce the pariah of curses and afflictions like mental illness is to be forthright and open about your challenges and shortcomings and show that the fear is unwarranted. Unfortunately, humans are primitive and naturally predisposed to fear and hate. It takes a willingness to overcome these things and a level of maturity that many humans don't possess to overcome the fear and hatred of what you don't understand.

It would do well for us to remember that all have sinned and failed and trespassed. Maybe we would be better off if we condemned and judged each other less and forgave more, exemplifying the compassion and rightness of Jesus to a much higher degree than we do now.


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