The Middle Way

If you have ever studied Buddhism to a significant degree, you would have most likely encountered the term "middle way" before. It is one of the descriptions of the Noble Eightfold Path, the path to enlightenment and the liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth and entering into Nirvana. The concept of a middle way has been around for ages. It is the attempt to cut between the extremities of life. The happy medium between over-indulgence and over-deprivation. The middle ground between the great opposites of existence. The "grey area" so to speak. "Everything in moderation," as the words of wisdom go. It's true. Life's a hell of a lot easier, and a hell of a lot more enjoyable, and a hell of a lot safer, if you can moderate you lifestyle in almost all ways possible. You don't make as much of a mess (or as much of a scene) when you go and indulge in much of life's pleasures and privileges while regulating yourself to a he...